Sunday, October 10, 2004

A work in progress, a as well get used to blogs, I suppose.

A story....first some background:I know the distinction between fiction and fact.Also I have not read the Book enough, perhaps. I will read more.

As to theology and the dry bones behind any there a wifeology? Does a man write a book about his wife to be studied or is their life more a Romantic novel, a novel little novel of good living knowledge, not something dead to study? What would a husband write after careful study of her from afar, does she sit very still for him? Would he know her nice moving novelty? Does a man seek and find, trust and love the woman who is his wife?So enough theology...

So instead a story about some good guys and a guy who keeps getting badder, no amount of talking to, time outs and Cosmic spankings seem to do! A story....perhaps a Romance, where fiction meets some facts. For fiction seeks and looks, looks for lovely fact, in fact.

So, once upon a time there was no time, yet a good fatherly Mind decided to make time for family. His own light made time, see. He spoke and it was so. He created a wife Mind too or perhaps she was always there with him at his side. She was nice and did not seem to speak in a loud voice. Yet she was very beautiful and wise. She sat to his left and whisphered words of her own Wisdom in his ear sometimes. He and his wife loved each other very much and talked to each other in ways beyond what puny little human minds that are only higher than animals can begin to think.

The puny, little minds of men just cannot think the same ways as these Minds of God do. Perhaps less and less can the minds of men do so, a degenerating language will stop them. Anyway, even if you come to know better language, other men will not see what you say. They need stories and so, on with the story!

These Beings, they talked their own infintely complex language. Sometimes the father would think into the mother and she would bear twins, sons and daugthers. Like husbands and wives do, they had sons and daughters. Each one was born with the one their being was to be married to in perfect union and separation of their Minds, which could speak, think and make too. Sometimes they made love and made more children, trailing out in hosts. The first born son was called the son of the morning light. His was a star that shone bright through the night. But this son, he was disobedient and did not like the relationship nor the unions, instead he envied his own father's power. For some lack of reason he tried to be equal to his father instead of honoring him as his father! This led to bad results, very bad, bad results that echoed out all about him. He became bad, then degenerated more.

One example, if he was allowed tobe his father then he would have a relationship with his mother instead of his own wife and what would come of such further and further perversion of the father's good and perfect created order? This evil could not be allowed to come to pass at all.

So the results of this son's rebellion were bad, very bad. He and all of his household hadto be fought by the father and his other son with all his own hosts because of this. For the father had another son and much more family, a whole heavenly host. They still had good unions and created more and more. Now, the father loved all his sons very much, even the powerful rebellious evil one. So he was desperate to convince the prodigal son of the morning light to change his mind, stop fighting him and come back to the ordered relationships. Yet this prodigal son just would not listen...and would not listen to the good way of things again and again. So he was destroying himself and his whole household went along with him following his lead, as they were unified in his being. Could the heavenly house divided against itself stand? This could not come to pass. So the father and son tried, fought, strove and led their vast household. They had to fight him and cast him down from where they were. They fought and got tired sometimes. They tread a fine infinite line, trying to save without destroying themselves. The son of the morning light, he was destroying what they made and fighting, fighting against them instead of coming back to his heavenly family. They wanted to bring him back to the family but got tired, sometimes. They grew more powerful because Love just keeps creating. So they knew they could and wanted to give him more chances, more chances to once again see their light and change his mind, to begin to restore and renew him and his household.

Yet, he just would not come back even as he started getting weaker. He came to live in a garden which was like their backyard. He and his sons corrupted it. So the makers saved what they could from him and flooded the place.. He was growing weaker and they more powerful, see. For they were God and he was not a part of them anymore.

Then the father once again moved upon the face of the holy beautiful waters as the one he loved was there, to create Life again. He spoke again, "Let there be light!" This time he created some gardeners to garden the place and take dominion, build and make, make, just as he does.

Now the fallen son, his mind was still there and his own form, his knowledge too. The gardeners, they could beat back this mind and were supposed to do so. He was less than angels now, more on their level, see. This time, would he listen to someone and stop fighting against his own father? Would these representatives do their work they were designed for?

Well, his form of knowledge got in a tree and corrupted it. Then, he got in the serpents and began degenerating them too. Their speech, their intelligence was degenerating at his touch, eaten away, blurred together, they became crafty and wise in their own eyes.

But then, he also got into the bodies of man and woman too!

Now, he did this in a queer way, as if his own father did not know him for who he was through and through. He was still trying to be equals with his own father. So he said to the gardeners, "Look, you could know me and be like me! You could be his equal, as I am. He secretly fears me you know!" His own paranoia had set in and again, he spoke his own insanity of shattered relationships, shattered being and his growing lack of Love.

This time, the father and son decided to let him have the whole garden as well as the animals but to save their representative man from him as they did so....while also making cultivating other gardens too! They were strong like that.

So the sacrifice of animals became a symbol of their merciful decision upon stooopid, stupid man. Not all was to be just given over, the one who made pigpens for himself would not eat all the pigs here. Yet man, he was not just the helpless victim of the prodigal son of the morning light. He had chosen to make an alliance with him, to be and live as prodigal sons too who just eat up their own inheritance as a mess of pottage. If man had not betrayed his own Maker, that battle would have been different for man. Yet out of a vast mercy upon the minds of man that had turned against them, both the father and his son still made a plan to save man and ultimately defeat the son of the morning light in a way they had never before. This would be done through their own representatives. In this way man would come to be their symbol now of the ultimate defeat of all rebellion against them, the Makers.

The plan was to be a defeat to the core of the son of the morning light's being and his pigs and his pigpen too. This was a risky plan! It had to do with the One taking a final battle into him, to the core of his being and turning the twisted on his own head. This son was a risk taker ready to lay down the core of his Being based only on the will of his Father. They still love each other while all the prodigal sons do not, see.

So the plan was for defeat, yet they would still call out to the prodigal son as they went along about how he went wrong even as they had his ultimate doom already planned out. They let him have the animals first, using them as a symbol of the plan for man. They were still telling him something by this. They were still merciful towards evil just as they are to evil's oh so willing servants, see. They had tried, very hard over time, to save this lost son and all his followers. They now saw that there might just be no arguing with the insanity par excellence. They would try though. They had time. Unlike them, he was coming to be stuck in time and their own creation more and more. He would not know the day or the hour of his doom. Since all gardeners are like his slaves who obey the Prince of this world, they cannot know either.

In the first age, the Father's wrath grew strong towards the rebellious one and any of his willing servants.

(Well, I will write more some other time. Polish it up! It needs to be refined too. Eh, most people will be lost in all the ideas anyway, probably. Perhaps all stories need to be simple, like short parables! Perhaps the book of Death is one big how about the book of Life? You can't read that one yet, see.)

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