Monday, October 11, 2004

The Lion King

Once upon a time there was a Lion King, a King of kings. Then, he had a son. But there was another lion in the family who prowled about with a ravenous hunger. He was a scarface. He was so because he had already lost a battle, you see. He was the weak and becoming the weaker. He knew it. His words blurred together a bit and his wrist went a bit limp sometimes. But he used his blurred words to try to lead the son away from his father. He was never actually successful in this. But he did a lot of damage. The Lion King's son sought the will of his father anyway and saw him in the heavens, as his heavenly father. He knew what to do. When all hope seemed lost the son of the Lion came back to the scene and battled the scarfaced one. All hope seemed lost in the battle too...but he overcame again and won. Then, life returned to what it once was. For the scarface had been trying to say that a circle was a square.

You see, a circle, is a circle....

"As tens of millions of voices cannot make a circlea square, so the united voices of myriads cannot lendthe smallest foundation to falsehood."--Oliver Goldsmith

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