Space-time...this is interesting.
Time is relative to the speed of light. That is not all that is strange about space-time because space is relative too, i.e. relational. Light is the absolute.
Take time, this has been tested and observed by exact measurements that go very, very small. There is just this small difference as one clock just sits in space-time and the other travels through about as fast as something can go for now, i.e. to approach the speed of light in some miniscule way.
Then, the measurement of time for each clock shows this:
The clock that just sat in space-time shows a longer measurement of its time. The clock that in some sense followed the light shows a shorter measurement of its time. Let there be Light!
So, if a person dies and their mind goes to or reaches the usual "light at the end of the tunnel," what then? What if your mind, your being entered into the light or became more like an "angel of light" and the Beings of light that seem to have been on mountaintops? Perhaps there time is like an enternity as close as you come to that sort of dimension. For space is relative too. Technically, it is space-time and you cannot separate them. So then, let's say your clock is slooooow in the Light.
Yet those who are not of that sort of absence of dimension, their clock is running very fast by comparison, a blink of the eye. Or a myst blown by the wind, there and gone. You only get one opportunity to be in time, the present. Blink! Gone...People, they get so upset with God it seems. They are only little gardeners. The mustard seed of the Cosmos, the miniscule singularity that went BOOM has been going on for billions of years as far as they are concerened and still expands. Is the Omega more than or less than one? Perhaps only the One knows and only the Alpha knows the Omega. Certainly, no man knows the day or the hour. Yet, they'll figure it out when some type of BIG Being roles back the sky and the Maker re-makes every body. I do not think this will all be so pleasant and cheery. In fact, it sounds a lil' scary. If you have sin in you might get a little scared. Fight or flight possible and how do you fight? You try to do something, "Lord, Lord....see what I do for you!" Oh, I will just be sure to control my Self and not say that? Hehe...we gardeners cannot even control our Selves right now to not eat something, to not have sex, etc. Did you not notice these little things? Those who are faithful in the little will be the faithful in the big. Why does He let you know, "Do unto others as you'd have be done to you." Is it all just ah, well, it works good for little gardeners. Or might it be that some will have done to their being what they do here? Think about it...what have you done, even secretly, even just in thought? So, what might be done to you?
Off track,
Time, you have only one time. What about sinning and echoes in eternity? You could physically die tomorrow. Then, you might be out of time!
"Thus, light does not get old; a photon that emerged from the big bang is the same age today as it was then. There is no passage of time at light speed."
(The Elegant Universe, Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the quest for the ultimate theory, By Brian Green :51)
There are so many more mysteries even there, more depth. What is really funny are those who get all hung up on the everyday basic signs and designs like jots and tittles. They can't even admit to them. Well, if you cannot read those then perhaps you cannot read anything. You are stuck at square one, perhaps. These people who claim to touch the mind of God and speak any complex tongue. It's just so silly. So then, do they fathom the mysteries of the universe? They should be able to quite easily if they are in touch so well. They should be as a gospel writer, almost an apostle, perhaps at least a prophet.
I would have some questions for them, that is certain. The writers who have the same pattern know and can see it. If they have disagreements they will be minor. But no, I suspect the hidden charismatic answer looks more like, "Dooode, I just flapped my tongue and made some jibberish because all my friends did! Then, to fit in with the herd weee all say it is like prophecy or somethin'. Besides, it feeeels good to flap your tongue around, see!"
I can tell mental retards are in touch with the same Spirit I know and love. Yes, how amusing....well, it would be if it were not so pathetic.
I am seeing more of the vast poetic justice of it all. Every little one seems to ask why bad things happen to good people and so on...First thing, a lot of people are not half so good as they seem believe. If someone started telling their little secrets, then you'd see. Yes, they have some secrets. Also, the just Poet IS poetic justice itself and Justice, He will be served. He has willing servants, not slaves. Another one, he has all slaves. There is also more justice and good already in the world here and now, wrought by His will. There is more than people seem to be willing to admit too. Perhaps they're too busy being such Victims of it all.
My, how utterly silly this type of position is. It is especially inane for Americans. Yet there they are, whining for someone to care for their health, healthcare. See how they grow so fat. Then, they are Victims of being fat too! So they need some pandering politician to happen by and promise to change their diapers for them.
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