Tuesday, November 09, 2004

An Old Parable....

...that I forgot about. Maybe it needs some refining and defining. If it sounds like some of these are written for children, in a way, they are. But this one about the human race is just a little racey, only a little. Humans like the racey parts of the race that is layed out for them the best, anyway.

A parable of the Adams, one a creature of the earth, the earthling and the Other the Maker.

One day a Maker said, "I think I will make a mini-me." He will be like Me but very, very mini, a tiny little pattern, sort of like Me...but in mini. So I'll just pick up some more dust and begin. Then this mini-me will have me to talk to and it will be nice for him. I like to make nice things, so I will make him.

And so, He made Himself a tiny little mini. He was like that, making things. He also made Himself many other nice things but left something out. Now He and the mini had some conversations about many things. For He had made many nice things.

One day, the mini-him said, "I noticed something after naming everything, you know!"

But He just laughed...then said, "What is that?"

And he replied, "Well, after the first couple of course I noticed."

He laughed again, He liked to laugh. But then He said, "Oh...alright."

So He made the mini-him go to sleep and then split the mini-him in two, so he was a couple too.

Later...the mini-him woke up and said, "What happened?"

But the Man just said, "Whoa, man!" I am the Maker and what I make IS good! Then the mini-him said,"Whoa, Man! You are right." Then the Man said,"Of course I am. I am always right. I am that, I am! So every jot and tittle is always just so."

The mini-him replied, "Yes, every tittle..."

But then a voice said, "Don't you both have work to do?"

They replied, "Oh....right!" The mini-him said,"Wait, she talks too?" The Man just laughed....and as He walked away He said, "But of course, so you can get to know her."

He laughed and thought, "Now this type of code was made just a little harder for him!"

1 comment:

mynym said...

That is funny. So you know how to read some signs.