(This may bore some. So then, skip it if you like. You've been warned!)
There is a key point about Marx and racism. I never did hear of it at the University of Delaware. I took more than a few courses on Marx, yet nothing. But the point is this, he assumes that environment so shapes people that they are some sort of different types of beings.
Marxism gets to racism by another route than Nazism but it rests on the same foundation. They are both based on philosophic naturalism. In philosophic naturalism you have two options when coming to the body politic, a pattern of focus on the environment or on genetics. So that is all that Leftists have, two patterns. It's very simple, simplistic. So then atheistic simpletons can easily join in, as they do. Marxism is socialism based on an environmental pattern. Nazism is socialism based on biological concerns.
For Hitler socialism was based more on biology/nature than for Marx who argued for environment/nurture. Both views are based on the psuedo-science of philosophic naturalism and are anti-Creator. The same themes continue among American"liberals"/socialist in which the main arguments are about "public health" and environmentalism. These are given as rationales to rebel against Natural Law, the Creator and individual rights. This is to exchange what is morally correct for what is politically correct based on pseudo-science. They cannot be overtly racist now because the eugenecists and so on have to be in the closet. They are still there. It is African Americans who are eliminated by abortion and the like. This is just as Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood wanted it. The odd thing is that African Americans are voting for the pattern of ideas that would see them dead and that continues to decimate them. They seem to be left with a comedian to try tell them the truth about some things. They could and apparently about ten percent do listen to Walter Williams, Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell and other brilliant men of their community who tell the truth. Those who do not. That is on them. A tribalist will say this: "We have been so shaped that no one outside our shaping can possibly understand!" If people begin to lovingly maintain a Victim identity then there is not really any arguing with it. It is like a form of insanity.
But anyway, socialists tend to share a pattern that actually makes no sense unless religion is actually true. It is like "gays" who assume that they are being perverts and so use it as an insult against others. That is only reasonable if homosexuality is, in fact, the perversion they assume it is. Similarly, socialists are against circumcision for no reason. There are health benefits to it and yet they tend to be against it. What happened to their care for health? Many people do things for religious reasons, even those who deny religion.
There is a pattern to socialists of being against the Jews, one way or another. They will find the way to the destination. They will try to stand by and let things go on, by "happenstance." The destination always seems to be Jews getting killed, etc.
"Sometimes the view of Marx as virulently anti-semitic is based on a particular reading of his two well-known reviewessays, published in 1844 under the general title Die Judenfrage (On the Jewish Question), one of which emphasizes Marx’s prediction that Judaism will disappear (“the Jew will become impossible,” in Marx’s phrase) in a socialist society. But the view of Marx as anti-semitic rests much more frequently on his disparaging comments about Jews as a race and as individuals than on a particular interpretation of the argument of Die Judenfrage. These unflattering remarks appear primarily in the second essay of Die Judenfrage; in Herr Vogt, the manuscript of 1860 still untranslated(into English) with its extraordinarily tasteless attack on Joseph Moses Levy, publisher of the London DailyTelegraph (the length of whose nose provides the focal point for three pages of abuse); in several articleswhich appeared in Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung, the newspaper edited by Marx and Engels in 1848—49; and in their private correspondence. The remarks in their private correspondence, especially Marx’s comments on the character and appearance of Ferdinand Lassalle, are frequently cited in support ofthe thesis that Marx was a self-hating Jew. Eduard Bernstein edited these remarks out of the original edition of the Marx-Engels correspondence (1913), and for many years the most famous letter was said to be forged. Its inclusion in the official East German edition of the collected works of Marx and Engels effectively ended that debate. The letter, which is actually more insulting to blacks than to Jews, reads as follows:
'The Jewish nigger Lassalle, who fortunately left at the end ofthe week, had, again fortunately, lost 3000 Thaler in a bad speculation. The fellow would rather throw the money in the gutter than lend it to a “friend” even if the interest and capital were guaranteed.'
....Marx’s and Engels’ articles in Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung include a number of very disparaging comments about Jews, esp. in Poland. See their articles of June 8, July 8, July 9, August 9, August 12, August22, September 1, November 29 (all 1848) and January 8,February 21, March 18, April 29 (1849). The most virulently anti-semitic articles to appear in that newspaper were, however, published by others. Of particular note is the series of five articles by Ernst Drönke (one of the publishers of theN.R.Z.) which appeared in July 1848. Mr. Lev Golman of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism of the CC CPSU writes:“There is no doubt that the point of view represented in this article, as in other articles by Drönke on the Polish Question, expressed the general position of the editors of the N.R.Z. including its chief editor Marx.”
Letter to the author, Feb. 20, 1979."
("In the Interests of Civilization": Marxist Views
of Race and Culture in the Nineteenth Century
By Diane Paul
Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol. 42, No. 1.
(Jan. - Mar., 1981), pp. 115-138)
Marx's friend Engels put it this way:
"Among all the nations and petty ethnic groups of Austria there are only three which have been the carriers of progress, which have played an active role in history and which still retain their vitality—the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars.For this reason they are now revolutionary. The chief mission of all the other races and peoples—large and small—is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust."
(Engels, “Der Magyarische Kampf”;trans.
as “Hungary and Panslavism” in
Blackstock and Hoselitz: 59)
"Hugh Lloyd-Jones comments that, 'remarks about Lassalle sometimes recall the tone of Goebbels.' W. H. Chaloner and W. 0. Henderson claim that Marx 'detested his own race. 'Max Geltman writes that Jews 'never knew that Marx had called for their utter disappearance from the face of the earth.' And Robert Payne remarks that Marx’s 'solution of the Jewish question was not very different from Adolph Hitler’s.' "(Ib.)
Italian fascism, ties back to socialism as well, example:
"No one followed the developments of Bolshevism [Russian socialism, Marxism] more closely than Mussolini. When the great-magnates and high officials did not consider the movement worth studying and dismissed it with a shrug of their shoulders, he declared,"It will last! It will last! It has lasted some time already!"
....What seemed like a tyranny did not horrify him sufficiently to prevent him from seeing the other side, realizing as he did that a temporary suspension of liberty may in the end be productive of much good to a great nation."
(Margherita G. Sarfatti, The Life of Benito Mussolini.
trans. Frederic Whyte
(New York: Frederick A.Stokes, 1925) :261)
Hitler tied himself back to Marxist socialism when he said that he was just putting it into practice at another level.
The Founding Fathers of America commented on socialism in their comments on its genesis in the French Revolution. John Adams writing to Jefferson on the French revolution:
"And what was their Phylosophy? Atheism; pure unadulterated Atheism . . . . The Univer[s]e was Matter only and eternal; Spirit was a Word Without a meaning; Liberty was a Word Without a Meaning. There was no Liberty in the Universe; Liberty was a Word void of Sense. Every thought Word Passion Sentiment Feeling, all Motion and Action was necessary. All Beings and Attributes were of eternal Necessity. Conscience, Morality, were all nothing but Fate."
Letter from John Adams to Thomas Jefferson
(Mar. 2, 1816), in The Adams-Jefferson Letters
This is why I do not care if people say to me, "You're trying to put too much meaning in your words, or somethin'."
The only reason you have Liberty as an American is because the Word became flesh and some philosophers began noting actual meaning in words as in-formation goes to re-formation. That's why the Founding Fathers created copyright laws and the like too. It is possible to go on like this regarding their wisdom. The main point here is about philosophic naturalism, socialism and racism. It is still the same. Evolutionistic socialists are still generating a lot of racism in America right now. They teach that there can be a merging between man and monkey. Then, although that merger is actually impossible, people who "look" like monkeys are discriminated against.
The type of pseudo-science behind it is from the people who have said things like:
"Once upon a time a group of avian ancestors jumped out of trees and killed themselves enough times until eventually they grew one wing, then the other wing, then a lil' feather, then another lil' feather. Then they flew, flew on away!
Me scientist, so I know! For the science of me!"
Yes, they must've killed themselves quite a bit to accomplish that. And so on. I think I will illustrate the complexity of the wing and feather sometime for these retards who like to make up lil' stories about things.
Very very interesting, I hadn't heard any of that either. Well just thought I'd post something to let you know someone read it. Great blog, I'll be back often.
I figure, you can't make everyone happy all the time. The MTVeee generation, "Here we are now, entertain us. Thinking, that gives me a headache!"
So then, I'll just write about what I think is important. For they do not seem to know. One philosopher said that they are "flat souled." So I put some lil' disclaimers on some things for them. I think I will write a parable or two about their pattern.
Anyway thanks, later...
Feel free to post and discuss political philosophy here....agree, or disagree. I can't guarantee some "niceness" on such issues. But, feel free...
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