Monday, November 01, 2004

Mothers can lack Wisdom....

Believe it or not some mothers actually do lack Wisdom. So take a look at this pattern, if you care to.

Once upon a time there were two mothers. The first mother loved her children very much. She felt in her good lil' heart that she just loved and looooved them. So she protected them from everything. If someone said they were fat she said, "No! Now you will cause them to be bullied. You Big Meanie!" So she protected them from that. If someone said they acted like mental retards she said, "No! You cannot say that because mental retards will be bullied if you do. You just want to be a Big Meanie!" If someone said one of her boys was not becoming a man but was more effeminate she said, "How dare you?! My little boy is good....and nice! He is cheerful and gay."

So this mother protected her lil' boys because she loved them. Yes, she just loved them so much. If someone said, "Her boy is like a mama's boy. Hehe..." She would say, "Well, I never!" And so on. So her lil' boys were always little boys. They were fat and gay mental retards. She thought, "As long as no one is allowed to say my boys are like that then they will not be." So she began to work against anyone saying such things. For she loved her own love of her lil' boys very much! Wait...she loved her own love?

Yes, it was her own love that she loved. So she began to poison some of her children because then she could love herself more, more. For the love of that! They would never leave her love! For why would they want to?

The other mother truly loved her boys. She loved them, as them. She seemed to be all about them, as them. So she tried to train them up well. She was more merciful than their father....yet nothing was too much and nothing was found wanting. She was as a perfect complementary pattern to his tendency towards justice. She let them become men.

So her sons grew in stature and size because she nurtured them as water nurtures a lil' sapling. Then one day far from the time of watering she would sit under their shade.

She let go of her sons. Her sons were as soldiers who sacrificed themselves for others. She loved her sons, for who they were. She made it so things were just never about her! But her sons would not allow it. Her sons wanted to celebrate her part of their story. So that is what they did. They got through many things with faith and hope. But they thought that her love was just the greatest thing.

So then they began to try to seek and find a Love, like her love.

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