Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Kids these days! Lol...

10:50 They are not leaving their failed civilization to enjoy a better life in ours. This is the lie that enable White genocide. In fact, they think their civilization is great. They also think that it is us that need them. Every immigrants i spoke to preferred their culture.

Even their children prefer their culture even thought they are born and raised here. Some even told me that it was my country that is shit. And when i asked them why they stay here, all they could answer is accusation of racism. They are knowingly drowning us. They hate us. All immigration is colonialism. All immigration is cancer. No exception. 
Seig heil; because a White westerner dictator is better than a Chinese communist overlord, or an Arab Islamic theocracy, or an African cannibalistic anarchy.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Yep. We'll have to wait and see. They got that Mossad/Jewish kid that was doing the hoaxed bomb threats to inspire anti-Trump hatred. So Trump still has actual power behind the circus act despite everything that's gone wrong.

RealityCheque's picture
Wait for it, this is just an act of plausible deniability.
Sessions goes ape on the Awan brothers (ISIS agents BTW) and then starts arresting every DNC drone he can get his hands on (could go higher than Debbie WS with a bit of luck). Trump says "don't look at me, the AG and I obviously dont get along or even speak about things!"
Its theatre, and it'll be great theatre if we get a few deep state scalps, maybe even Barry himself!
The next 24-36 hours are going to be a whole lot of fun.
FoggyWorld's picture
Except McCabe & Co. let Awan out last evening on bail but with an ankle bracelet.  This is what happens to democrats in trouble and is part of a two tier justice system.
Awan was caught trying to flee the country and if that were you or me we would be in the slammer.

Leftypol vs 4Chan: The Intellectual Ass Crack of the Internet

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Why European Culture is Hated

White Masculinity, Posse Comitatus, and the Awakened Saxon

Civil War in Europe is Imminent

Zerohedge 7/13

The "official sources"/"familiar with the matter"/"just took a leak" fake news outlets like the (((NYT))) have begun committing a cardinal sin.  The sin that cannot be commited in the Empire of Entertainment is not being fake news, that can be forgiven.  It is being old news, that is unforgivable. 
They gave it a good go with their sensationalistic "official sources say...  Russians!!!" stuff but they are becoming old news now.

Whoops...  apparently they still can't correct.  That election probably ended their role as a PR firm for the managerial state.  A revolution in a tea cup, hysterical people failed to realize that it wasn't really much of a revolution.  You'll know it's over when "official sources just took a leak on me..." begins appearing in alternative media outlets more and more often.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Ramble 6/21

But I think the ethnic hatred and fear of the "mainstream" for white people goes too deep. Same old, "Nazi" was a slur originally coined by a Marxist Jew to associate the nationalists of the countryside that arose due to the collapse of the banks/currency and the degeneracy of gay rights/Berlin with racist rural bumpkins.

Now candidates for office like this stick with the idea of trying to diversify rural white people out of existence in order to defeat "racism." (But supports ethnic nationalism for himself, most likely.) "...Israel and foreign policy are close to Ossoff’s heart. Most of his political experience came as a congressional aide, where he was in charge of foreign policy issues in the office of Georgia Rep. Hank Johnson. As such, he worked on legislation improving military funding for Israel..."  Yep.

Surprise. Imagine supporting military funding for building a European ethnic state with "whites only s

Here's the thing about Trump being Hitler and Republicans being "Nazis"/rubes, the Germans weren't bumpkins like most Republicans are now.

Republicans now:
"Carpet bagger." "Globalist." "Seems like somethin' wrong with Democrats or somethin'... why they hate white people?" "Hollywood." "The media!!! Me use Drudge and Brietbart and vote alt-Zionist now..." Etc.

They still don't know what has been happening in their (former) country, left to them by white nationalists. In that sense, perhaps European Americans actually are rural "bumpkins"/"Nazis" worthy of that "globalist" slur.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Europe won't stand up for itself

They're not going to take responsibility for running America's financial and social capital into the ground. Obviously.

@ so far, seven advertisers are said to have pulled out of Hannity’s show.  
Those who control Madison Avenue will see that Hannity receives no advertising support. A model for this campaign can be found in the extensive and ongoing ad cancellation campaign directed against the Rush Limbaugh Show and organized by the Leftist organization, Media Matters for America.
If you doubt this iron-fisted control, here is an impassioned description:
Jews DO control the media | The Times of Israel | by Manny Friedman (July 1, 2012)
We’re a driven group, and not just in regards to the art world. We have, for example, AIPAC, which was essentially constructed just to drive agenda in Washington DC. And it succeeds admirably. And we brag about it. Again, it’s just what we do.
But the funny part is when any anti-Semite or anti-Israel person starts to spout stuff like, “The Jews control the media!” and “The Jews control Washington!”
Suddenly we’re up in arms. We create huge campaigns to take these people down. We do what we can to put them out of work. We publish articles. We’ve created entire organizations that exist just to tell everyone that the Jews don’t control nothin’. No, we don’t control the media, we don’t have any more sway in DC than anyone else. No, no, no, we swear: We’re just like everybody else!
Does anyone else (who’s not a bigot) see the irony of this?
Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?
But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.
(This article has since been removed from the source.)

Thursday, April 06, 2017

We're reaching levels of freedumb that shouldn't even be possible.

The solution to this is not to try to melting pot everyone into the world/diversity. That's not working. It's not going to work.

You don't have to say that they're all terrorists and radicals to be against creating an even bigger mess. Truth be told, people from many Muslim ethnic groups may be better citizens than many of the witless wonders already living here.

But long term, it's not going to work. Diversity = division. And people are openly pushing for diversity within the country now, instead of celebrating the diversity that could exist if groups of people remained separate.

The Democrats have united many different groups against white people ("Racism"/Trump is now the lightning pole for it all.). But that's the only thing uniting Democrats. They're already having Muslims protests the Zionists, etc. And all of them have their own ethnic states and countries while they push for more diversity/division in this country. This is not the equivalent of the "E Pluribus Unum" by which diverse European ethnic groups were united in America. And despite all the "dreaming"/fantasies there were problems with that, e.g. the Italian mafia. Although, at least the mafia bosses never said that everyone else was just randomly phobic of Italians. "These Irish policemen are so phobic! Probably because they're not transgendered enough. Blabbity blah, tolerate our mafias and gangs! Hey, the police just shot one of us.. Italian lives matter!" Etc.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Detriot and Diversity....

Colonize Detroit with mass Chinese immigration. Problems solved. We're a nation of immigrants, so what does the ethnic composition of a city matter? Dream that you can't see the changes.

But implicitly admit the truth by saying that you can see the city is progressively "vibrant" and "diverse" as African Americans are displaced by a growing Chinese community. Send out a Chinese civil rights activist to give African Americans a little speech about how he has a dream that they would judge his children by the content of their character instead of the shape of their eyes. Etc.

That wouldn't work? Yeah, I guess it probably wouldn't work. It's probably only white people ("rugged INDIVIDUALISTS) that are stupid and ignorant enough to believe in all that crap about racism.  They usually try to be fair/white minded individuals to the death.  Literally, to the death!

CNN Investigates Russian Salad Dressing

Antifa, neutering themselves... Lol.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


White people that remain Democrats don't have a will to live and carry on the customs and traditions and habits of their ancestors for the sake of their children. Democrats = feminism/LGBT/abortion/the lowered birthrates below replacement levels in any ethnic group that joins them and supports their ideology.

The lowered birthrates their ideology produces are combined with mass immigration instead of population stabilization,, so they'll always be replacing their voters while diversifying the last batch of dupes in their oligarchic dumbocrazy out of existence.

This is lethal for the indigenous African Americans voting for Democrats, same as European Americans. But I just wrote a few paragraphs and people don't have long attention spans now. But I'll tell you this, the Founders had long attention spans and studied civilization intently for their own sake and for the sake of their descendants. "We the people... for ourselves and our posterity."

And no. They did not think that "progress" would eventually be defined as electing the first Pakistani president, then the first African pygmy, then a Chinese president, then anyone but a European American president. Then the first woman president that feels like a man, so she transitioned to being a male while in office. This definition of "progress" and liberalism being used to liberate people from sanity didn't even occur to them. Mainly because it's not progress towards anything but the regressive destruction of the civilization that they built up.

When Elizabeth Warren takes down all the national monuments in DC and brings in a Totem Pole to do a Rain Dance around, then perhaps European Americans will admit that something is wrong.

Turned into a ramble... whatever....

But a humorous aspect of the common Jewish trope that "racism"/"Nazism" can be diversified out of existence (a melting pot of wretched refuse in Zionist poems and plays, etc.) in order to keep Jews safe from "Nazis" is that white ethnic groups tend toward individualism. Pretty far toward individualism. Even the great bugaboo of Germany in the early 1900s proves it. It took the currency crashing. It took the degeneracy of Berlin and the Jewish Communists. They were using the currency to heat their houses while their children starved before they went tribal. It is possible for whites to go tribal. To white fight, instead of white flight like they usually do. But they usually will not go tribal.

Many other ethnic groups are more prone to tribalism and forming gangs, so they will see Tim for who he actually is when white people ("rugged individualists," euphemisms vary) are gone anyway. This is what all the alternative media Jews/Drudge/Brietbart/etc. supporting Trump is all about. All Zionists. It's not really about witless white people that can't even see other ethnic groups because they're fair/white minded individualists. If he didn't have Jewish support he would have never become president. The Jewish neoconservatives, the Jewish Left/NYT/Tim Wise/etc., all blame white people or focus on Bannon as a "white supremacist" (Lol)... and never mention the Zionist Jews as Jews of the alternative media (Roger Stone, Drudge, Brietbart, etc.) that helped get Trump elected.

Something interesting about the internet is that it connects individuals while also leaving a permanent record of connections/tribalism and ethnic identity. So perhaps even witless white individualists will begin to see why Tim hates them. It's already (((begun))), I guess.

The Truth About Beauty and the Beast

Monday, March 20, 2017


The Jews/"globalists" run Hollywood, that's why the Absolute Evil in their world of gender fluid relativism is Nazism. You act like it's all just natural degeneracy, as if it isn't a defilement of the "unclean goyim" similar to the ritual defiling that takes place in Judaism.

There are no "illuminati" unless you're talking about the Jewish idea of being a "light unto the goyim".... broadcast from Hollywood. What's the moral absolute that remains when a Jew like (((Anton Levay)))/whatever creates a supposed church of Satan? Or a Jew like Saul Alinsky tries to create yet another anti-white revolution, etc. "Antisemitism" and Nazism remain as the moral absolute and the greatest taboo for Hollywood (beyond pedophilia) when all other standards are flushed down the gender fluid toilet.

Thursday, March 02, 2017

The Russians are coming!!!!!!

ould raise new questions about the White House vetting of nominees for Cabinet positions.

Never ending, no matter how many times the fake news narratives pushed by intelligence agencies that have been arming terrorits (and their lackeys in Congress/McCain/Schumer/Graham/etc.) fall apart they'll just move on to the next thing.

Trump needs to go on the offensive and start shifting the narrative to investigations on McCain/Graham/Schumer/etc.   I.e.... investigate a bunch of Zionist cucks and Jews.  They're already openly calling him antisemitic anyway.  So just do it implicitly and let Schumer cry and (((the media))) go crazy again.
Attack them.  Keep them busy.  They'll never stop until they get a coup or impeachment anyway.

The show must go on....

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Facebook on a purge again, I'm Setting up a New ANC site

Ha. Ha... as far as the freedumb fry eating and hopium smoking masses go, that about sums it up.

Still, we're only talking 3.7mil out of 116mil households for O'Reilly, that's only 3.2% viewership for the top spot, 2.2% for Maddow, 1.4% for Cooper, lol. TV media is dead. None of them are crushing it. They are all living on crumbs.

That's why they fear alt-right online troll armies and meme wars so much. The attentions span of the average person is now 8 seconds. Less than that of a goldfish. Whoever can influence someone in that time wins.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It's basically da Joos again. What else is new...

There is no question that the Executive office has full legal and constitutional authority to ban immigration from any country it deems fit. There are countless precedents by previous administrations even after the (((1965 Immigration Act))) (like Obama’s ban on Cubans). That didn’t stop the 9th Circuit illegitimate court in San Francisco from ruling to lock the ban, formulating an absurd legal precedent that asserts that all 7 billion people in the world are not just entitled to come to the United States regardless of national interest, but are even fully entitled to the protections of our Constitution. Using this logic, the raid on Osama Bin Laden was illegal because he wasn’t given a chance to surrender or read his Miranda Rights.

This legal ruling, especially the original cuck Robart one that the 9th Circuit reaffirmed, is without a shadow of a doubt the product of institutional corruption by so-called judges that reveals the sheer extent of decay in our judicial branch. While the American people support Trump’s policy, and expressed this will at the ballot box last November, Jews and other financial elite have used their money and clout to undermine our democracy and put our citizens in danger.

They want to racially replace whites and abuse H1-B visas for profit, and if America becomes a Mexico or India style violent, dysfunctional brown feudal state in the process, so be it.
Conservatives constantly talk about the 21st century tech industry as “liberal” – acting as if it is some amorphous, faceless blob of “social justice.” But the unpopular politics of the largely software-focused (compared to the largely white Gentile propelled golden age of computer innovation between 1985-2000) Silicon Shtetl is new, a product of the great influx of Jews and to a lesser extent Indians who make money off endeavors like stealing your private information and re-selling it, collecting your money while taking a steep cut, and other parasitical “middle man” operations looking to cut corners instead of contribute. There’s a reason why the Occident has always spit upon the merchant class.

Now this coalition of Jews and plutocrats is flexing its muscle after its puppet candidate Hillary Clinton was defeated.

Daily Stormer

We have to keep on trolling so that the white working class and the unions realize what these people are doing.  We still have plenty of time to unite white people.  And the anti-white coalition of the Democratic party and (((Hollywood))) do our work for us anyway, day after day....  destroying the Democratic party.  We still have demographic space to move in, with their help day after day. 

They don't have space to move in, within white tribalism.  But they're already at peak hysteria and peak tribalism.  Including African prison riots in Delaware now and incitement to violence from (((Hollywood)))/Sarah Silverman and the rest...    


Monday, February 13, 2017

Swedish Ministers Challenge Trump!

Economic unions vs. national or Constitutional unions?

Be a better video if he mentioned that the Jews caused the great depression and wouldn't let up on the "goyim"/unclean nations until the "Nazis" issued their own currency based on the labor of their nation/race, etc. Then the Jews incited WWII on the rubble of WWI and got their Zionist state out of it, etc.

And by "the Jews" I don't mean the Jewish peasants caught up in the whirlwind sown by their oligarchic elites.  (Supposedly their sacred six million number that died in a Holocaust/sacrifice that justifies the creation of a racial/ethnic state, etc.)  I mean "the Jews" that actually did it all, including agitating for a boycott "Judea Declares War on Germany" and then supporting WWII from all their prominent positions of influence, wealth and power in order to keep their wealth and power once Germans resisted them.  (Largely out of desperation...)

Because if one nation issues their own currency debt and interest free based on nationalism, then all the "goyim"/nations may get the same idea.  (The ironic thing about America and European Americans is that they have the Constitution sitting right there in front of them. Simple minded Saxons like Ezra Pound said, I guess... now their elites are giving everything up.  Their heritage.  Their country.  Their ethnic identity.  All of it.  Everything has essentially been sold to the Jews that maintain their own identity while turning America into soup, a "melting pot" as the Jews put it.)

Globalist Jews diversified and integrated all the nations/races (They have a fetish for that, from their elites on down.) in purely economic unions of "diversity" to the point that no Western nation/ethnic group can take control of their own money now.   Supposedly.  That was the conscious or subconscious goal of the anti-nationalist/"anti-Nazi" Tribe.    But I think they may be wrong, no matter how many shabbos goyim/freemasons they have and so forth.  It's right there in their own tribal mythology, as the Golem turns on its creator.   It's a method of using proxies that usually goes wrong.  After all, one of their economic unions managed by Masons incorporated in "globalism" went wrong in 1776.  And their typical method of governing by proxy (Donors, as Trump puts it.) has gone wrong many other times throughout history (Andrew Jackson, etc... and possibly Trump now if they keep messing with him enough).

So it's probably in the process of going wrong again now. Their candidate lost recently and they didn't get the expansion of the international economic unions (Full of diversity/an inability to unite against them.) and the forms of ethnic/racial/national integration that Jews have a fetish for creating.

We're ALL Debt SLAVES - Here's Why

HALAL Canada: Diversity and the End of Free Speech

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Trump Supporter SPEAKS TRUTH On Shia Labeouf's "He Will Not Divide Us" L...

Dear White People - A Response

Why bother? Just a habit of processing my thoughts with text, I guess...

"....53% of WW voted for the guy who said “bad hombres”." 

Apparently their future and continued existence as an ethnic group is more important than the anti-white/feminist/LGBT/abortion suicide cult that you people have been cultivating for European Americans.  It may even get worse for you people in the future as the white women that you intended to colonize and integrate with other ethnic groups get married and have children.  Natal = National. 

Your degeneracy sounds better to white women as a play or a romance.  Back in reality, your lust for integration with 50 shades of Muslim patriarchy to replace the white men/"patriarchy" that you just tried to transgender/neuter doesn't actually work.

But since these are psychological and biological dynamics, you people don't care if the work of our ancestors begins to burn in the background... including European democracy.   So go walk around with a vagina on your head and pretend that you don't want to be grabbed and colonized by a strong white man instead of being colonized by 50 shades of Other groups.  It's a hysterical sight. 

Apparently you're going for 100% support by white men for the other political party.  Great job.  

Is it OK to punch a Nazi?

Pretty much....

Comment, doesn't even matter...

"(((Blumenthal))) told Cooper in an interview that after Gorsuch confessed he found the tweets troubling, (((Blumenthal))) urged him to voice his concerns publicly."

I'll bet he did.

But like the rest of their hysteria, it generally doesn't matter.

Every time Trump criticizes Muslims or judges/"brothers and sisters in robes" pushing for Islamic colonization based on an anti-white culture.... Trump's poll numbers will go up. Well, not the poll numbers according to "the media"/friends of people like Blumenthal that have their own ethnic state. (With huge "intolerant" walls, etc...)

But his actual support in the country, as well as his support of the people in uniforms despite all the recent (((calls))) for a coup and so forth. That's why he won the election, despite all their lies. And despite Glenn Beck too...

We're being diversified, colonized and replaced while "conservative" media outlets like the Blaze twiddle their thumbs or worse, are incited by people like Blumenthal to fight against the resistance.

Sanctuary Cities: Democrat Machine for Population Replacement?

Memes... memes...


There will be blood. After all, there already is.’s true that white people (including liberal white people) don’t like living among blacks. White people across the political spectrum also don’t like sending their kids to school with blacks. There’s a myriad of reasons for this (like the racist notion of not wanting to be murdered and raped), but they’re irrelevant.
If these black snowflakes are so intimidated by lil’ Ralphie’s white gaze, wouldn’t separation into different homelands allow them to sleep at night? Wouldn’t it end all racism for good? Dear Black People, let’s work together to emancipate you from our racism!
The IntellNigentsia says no. The Jewish bully pulpit is not for Louis Farrakhan or Marcus Garvey, or any other black striving for liberation through racial separation – it is for psychologically demented mulattoes who hate and want to physically harm white people as a class, while also demanding the government legislate to box us in with them. Their real intent is to force you to play racial/political Twister with them to test the limits of your patience, and every one of their grievances is purposely ridiculous so that the average dumb black is in a permanent state of incitement no matter what whitey does to better their conditions.
These college campus useless naggers won’t personally fight you, but that doesn’t apply to the violent ghetto blacks they call on to pogrom white students Temple University style. This is precisely the goal of films and now TV shows like “Dear White People.”

Daily Stormer

I half expect a (((NYT))) headline of:  "Judea Declares War on Trump's Family" next.... 

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Hysteria, from top to bottom. This is good.

While this is happening, Bannon has been cementing his power. When Jews first learned of Bannon, they saw a slovenly football-watching, beer-guzzling American – the type they’re used to watching from the outside in. But looks can be deceiving, and it appears that Bannon is a brilliant and well-intended mind on increasingly good terms with Trump, ready to shake Washington to its core and lock them out.

While for-Goyim press has decided to keep producing kindergarten level agitprop about how Bannon is a “racist know-nothing” and Trump won’t release his tax returns, among themselves they are painting a portrait of a prudent yet willful pair of men capable of going hand-to-hand with their agents on the inside.

Daily Stormer

Wednesday, February 01, 2017

Great comment...

How interesting that it should happen to be (((Simon Wiesenthal))) who fabricated the admitted hoax about "5,000,000" "Holocausted" non-Jews. Even mainstream sources recognize that Simon Wiesenthal was a "liar and a fraud", who lied about nearly everything in his life. He had numerous contradictory versions of his wartime exploits, which are so far fetched that they are virtually a benchmark test of gullibility.

However, as Andrew observes, if the Jews are willing to lie about millions of fictitious dead because the lie benefited the Jews, then the Jews are willing to lie about millions of fictitious dead because the lie benefited the Jews.

And significantly, the Jews collectively, almost to a man, connived with the proven liar Wiesenthal and promoted his lie(s), because they knew their tribe would benefit from the deception. The Jews who admitted that the "Holocaust" is a hoax, such as Roger Dommergue and Gerard Menuhin, can just about be counted on the fingers of one hand. (David Cole can't really be included now, since he claims limited gassings did occur.)

Gives you some idea why they all wind up lying about 911 and the JFK assassination, basically wherever there's a so-called "conspiracy theory" that just won't seem to die.  It's usually because it's them.  Like a political party that's based on tribalism, they don't have to organize and meet.  And just like Hillary Clinton got in trouble for trying to point to a "vast right wing conspiracy" instead of just describing tribalism in some other way, "conspiracy theorists" have to be careful of asserting that there are some "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."  Because Jews can honestly laugh at that, just like Republicans could honestly laugh at Clinton.

Because there are no meetings of the Tribe just like there are no meetings of a political party/tribe, except when there are.  And when there are, they're often sitting right there in front of you or it's public.  So you don't need to engage in "conspiracy theorizing" of any sort, no matter how reasonable it may be to infer that they're having private meetings too. 

Ramble 2/1

You may still have a small window of opportunity due to Trumpism and Jewish media outlet like Breitbart and the rest of what is considered to be the alternative media with Jewish editors, Jewish producers, Jewish reporters like Drudge Report that did the Lewinsky/"another Esther" to stop "another possible Haman"/Clinton, etc.

Most white people don't understand what the vast majority of Jews (and therefore media outlets like the NYT) tried to do to them, based on your view of them as "Nazis" and future domestic terrorists. People like you that have absorbed a Jewish view of whites/"Nazis" by osmosis have already tried to push transgenderism on my son. You already tried to give white boys a "community" as LGBT while dissolving their real community as people of European descent. You already celebrated Clock Boy when he brought a hoax bomb to school while suspending a little "future terrorist Nazi" white boy for chewing a pop tart into the shape of a gun.

And on and on it goes in your culture. You already viewed our sons as future domestic terrorists long before we began to fight back against you people. We didn't even know why we were being attacked as "Nazis"/"racists" all the time, when our grandparents killed the Nazis. But now we know. Many white people still don't realize what has been done yet. But what you people have already done and are currently trying to do based on your xenophobic perceptions of my son/all little white boys as "possible Nazis" is not to be taken lightly.

I don't know why I bother with Jewish owned media like the NYT, thoroughly Judaized from the top down and mediated through an internal ethnic lens. We're creating our own media outlets now, etc. You're still back on Breitbart/Trumpism. Lol.

Those minor Jewish and Zionist/Bannon corrections to junk media outlets like this... and everyone gets hysterical?

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Drexel Professor's Christmas Hate Tweet

How Broadway's Hamilton Demonstrates Feminist Delusions

When Love Hates

Comment on the usual, criminal hypocrisy...

He should take his reality show to Israel. That's where racial settlements are being built for him and many others in Hollywood. Criticize Trump for supporting that. It's the most divisive thing that he's actually supporting.

 Go over there and chant about how he doesn't want such divisive actions taken by his own ethnic group, for the sake of his ethnic group and his own family. Get the logs out of your own eyes, then you can remove the specks of "racism" in the eyes of white people.

He has money. Hollywood types against "racism" have the money to do it. So organize and go over to the ethnic state being built for you and protest the "divisiveness" of building racial settlements... see how it goes!

They keep losing in small ways for now. It's possible that they may lose everything.

Nationalists and Trump supporters have been pestering the Hollywood Jew LARPing as a hobo’s anti-Trump “art exhibit” in New York City for the past few days. Highlights so far have been one guy getting close for a selfie with a willing LaBeouf saying “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong,” another guy trying to red pill him on the Holohoax, and a beautiful clip going around where LaBeouf starts shoving and yelling at some kid for saying 14/88.
Daily Stormer

(((Neoconservative))) collapse continues...

Trump always said that his intent was to support Assad and destroy ISIS, with the help of Russia. So it was necessary to kill this insane notion of “moderate terrorists” in the minds of the people.
This secret “fact-finding mission” is a great step in that direction.

Representative Tulsi Gabbard was a supporter of Assad for a while now, and was even considered for a role in the Trump administration. She’s met with Trump before departing on her mission, and it would make a lot of sense that he’s the one who tasked her with the job.

Daily Stormer 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Assange speaks truth to power about Israel (finally)

Operation Reinhard - Leftist Violence is Nothing New

Michael Moore Confronted by the Alt-Right

Comments, Ry Dawson... Native American "libertarian"....

Many points can be derived from that statement if you accept it. mynym's point is a good one. What is important to understand is that different peoples evolved to want to live differently, and mixing them up brings no advantages to anyone, but only conflicts on several different levels. I'm yet to have someone rationally explain to me what "racism" means. Are Jews racist? That seems to be what has kept them as a people for over 5000 years, so is racism then synonymous with long-term survival? Clearly, being cross-race altruistic (such as the Germans, the English and some Nordics nowadays, importing millions of muslims so they can pay taxes) seems to be the opposite of long-term survival, so that could be considered a clue into answering this question. Do we all not love our families more than other people's families? Is one's race not their extended family? So why would it be wrong to love one's extended family over others'? As far as I can understand, a "racist" is someone concerned about ensuring a future-legacy to his extended family.
So you can't just change society/language/ideologies and expect that everyone's neural nets will suddenly become equal on average, from an Australian Aborigine or any of the black peoples of the global South to a Northern Asian or a Northern European or any of the white peoples of the North. There's a reason that people have a saying about things "going South." All of this matters, given that the global South is going to continue to want to migrate North for the economic opportunities that rather mysteriously emerge wherever free white people, Asian people and the talented tenth of the black people go to live. (And of course, the Jews have left the white people of the North pretty much naked when it comes to tribalism. They've totally stripped them of their "racism"/identity. Unlike the Japanese, given that the Japanese didn't intern Jewish terrorists and subversives in camps and white people/Germans did. Although the Japanese did commit plenty of atrocities...) On a side note, black people of the South generally want to live as a minority among supposedly "oppressive" white people... for all the sniveling and complaining and Jewish anti-white/"anti-Nazi" incitement of Africans... they still want to live as a minority among whites. Or they want their children to go to school with whites, as if there's some magical way that whiteness and being fair/white minded will rub off. But the reverse is not true. That will continue to be a problem globally, especially as these feminist/globalist candidates with their lust for racial integration and the diversification of white ethnic groups continue to be defeated. An interesting aspect of it is that Asians can just sit in the background with secure borders, for the most part. At least until more Jews get there and begin doing what they usually do to ethnically homogeneous countries, a process that has already begun in small ways.

Violence of the Left, for now...

Throughout our civilisation, leftist militants launch physical attacks on patriots, while the leftist media covers up these incidents or, in some cases, openly celebrates them. Yet the slightest incident involving an immigrant or brown person being called name or being told to “go back to your country” (link) can be sure of a lavish reception.

The biased depiction of current events mirrors the false historical narrative that has been imposed on us. We are told that “racism” is evil because it leads to mass extermination. Yet the greatest mass exterminations of the 20th century were driven by political discrimination, not discrimination based on ancestry; and they were perpetrated by the Left, not the Right.

Daily Stormer

Monday, January 23, 2017


The Independent has published an article entitled “Yes, it is OK to punch a Nazi like Richard Spencer in the face” on their blog, but it was deleted within two hours of its posting.

The article, written by a woman called Kirsty Major, was saved on archive. The content is summed up in the headline. She argues that random acts of violence are acceptable against those who disagree with the ruling establishment doctrine.

Daily Stormer 

Yep, there's no way that you can have 50 million subscribers here, 500,000 over there on Jew wise channels and on and on and not have it become real. Growing up, I didn't know why criminal Jews were so paranoid about "conspiracy theorists" that actually didn't know much. In retrospect, it's because they don't want to be identified and found out again. But it's too late for that now.

The revolution is afoot – Jews cannot hide any longer.

In this video from inauguration day in DC, you have a Jew holding up a sign reading “White men against Trump.” A pro-Trump figure approaches him and asks if he is white. He says he is, and the Trump figure filming him says “you’re not white, you’re Jewish – Jewish aren’t white, I read it in the Forward.”

He is referring to this article in the Jewish Daily Forward.
The Jew does the awkward Jew “I’ve been caught but it’s all just a joke, goyim” smile. The same exact smile that communist Jews no-doubt made when they were bested in arguments by Adolf Hitler in beer halls in the 1920s.

The pro-Trump figure filming walks away, saying “typical tricks, Shlomo.”

This is a meme come to life.

Daily Stormer

Richard Spencer from Talks About Being Sucker Punched by a ...


Friday, January 20, 2017

Trump Inauguration Speech (FULL) | ABC News

President Trump's inaugural address

Lol... things are going to change, he's one of the first to stop apologizing.

Random comment.....

Actually in dumbocrazies equal opportunity for all/everyone in the world and special rights for none doesn't work. Because people will/have already just elected a new electorate based on mass immigration combined with ID politics that turns European/European derived elections into demographic role calls. Europeans abolished tribalism/"Nazism" among themselves due to white/fair minded individualism and the "anti-racist" Jewish influence of self-serving Zionist Jews. But they didn't abolish tribalism/"racism" worldwide, for everyone equally.

 In fact, Jews promote and incite tribalism/nationalism for themselves and other "minority"/majority groups while viciously suppressing tribalism/"Nazism" among European ethnic groups. Anyway, in your view Somalian libertarians (????) or perhaps Haitian Constitutionalists are interchangeable with Swedes in Sweden or Swedish Americans. In reality, they're not. Jews certainly seem to know this, as they continue to try to diversify "Nazis" out of existence by integrating white ethnic groups with whoever is handy and calling their "fundamental transformation" of white people the equivalent of European democracies and self-determination. Yet, you play dumb?

You can't fundamentally transform and subvert white electorates (And only white electorates, Japan was not targeted by Jews post WWII despite all their atrocities.) racially and ethnically and call that "democracy"/self-determination. There is no "self" there. Imagine that Sweden is entirely Haitian and African because all the Swedes leave due primarily to "anti-racist"/"anti-Nazi"/Jewish influence on white ethnic groups. What would their so-called Judaic "democracy" amount to then? Are most Haitians libertarians? Does it matter?

Why does the only "democracy" in the Mideast still have an ethnic identity, while all white ethnic groups worldwide are left with virtue signalling about being "anti-racist" or in the case of Team Freedumb: World Uberman Police... left with their exceptional identity being defined as killing yet "another Hitler"/Saddam/Assad/Putin at the behest of "neoconservatives"/"neoliberals"/"the media"/a bunch of Jews?

Trumps two appeals

Transgender, Autism & Intellectual Authoritarianism

Why TRUMP Will Easily Bring NATO to Heel

Donald Trump Calls CNN Fake News

Trump Destroys Everyone Compilation ��

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Basically Jewish proxies and terrorist groups no different than many Muslim groups...

What the anti-White left still can’t process is that this is a new era. The more mayhem they cause, the angrier the silent majority becomes. There is no longer any way for them to win by being loud, obnoxious, and violent. At this point, even the normies realize these people are just paid astroturf, damaged goods with such low expectations that the only way for them to make a few shekels is to cause mayhem and destruction at the behest of the very people they claim to oppose: The bankers, the globalists, the corporate media, the multinationals…in other words, the Jews.

Daily Stormer