Friday, December 07, 2012

This is why I sometimes skip directly to the comments section...

...when reading articles written by main stream lemmings.
I care not about your political parties. I DO care about my children. This treaty was bad, and clearly written by someone who did not have to fight a government buracracy to get the appropriate care for their child. You want to globalize that? Screw you. Let those who have disabled children decide what is appropriate for our children. It does not belong in the parlance of global government. And what is this BS about "traveling with a disabled child?" Who the hell is that? Everyone I know with disabled children is trying to figure out how to feed and cloth them... They are not traveling overseas "la tee dah!" Passing a treaty for the 1%? Screw YOU. (Parsing Republican paranoia on the disability treaty, L.A. Times)
Lol... it's true, the globalists and moral degenerates that tend to clamber up closer to the top don't really care about the kids. So, screw them. The treaty is available here. I stopped reading somewhere around Article 10.
Article 10 - Right to life States Parties reaffirm that every human being has the inherent right to life and shall take all necessary measures to ensure its effective enjoyment by persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others.
One of the signatories of this treaty is China. It's just worthless and meaningless theatrics. So who is being paid to write this stuff for global institutions (financed by America)? I bet the people sitting around writing this stuff don't work for free to save the disabled kids themselves. And why are we paying Congress to waste time engaging in theatrics about it later too? Given that they are meaningless, just close Congress for that time and give the parents of disabled kids the money that has to be spent for them to sit around entertaining themselves. After all, when they waste yet more time it costs us yet more paper ponzi that has to be infused with value in the real world at some point. So, screw them.

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