Monday, December 17, 2012


The hilarious notion that private citizens would be able to Red Dawn the government if it ever tried to subdue the populace is absolutely ridiculous. 

Arab Spring?

I don’t even necessarily agree with anyone but as a matter of technique, decentralized weaponry is key to overthrowing governments just like decentralized speech is. It’s not really ridiculous at all, in either case. But I think Americans have gone into overkill with things. They already have enough guns to overthrow their government or even to stage a million man march with legal guns on Washington if they want to. Or are all guns except those held by members of the police state illegal there?

It matters little, the media is decentralizing so… QED.

But meanwhile, both “gun cultures” are on overkill… like the electric powered machine gun following Obama Inc.’s SUV convoys and so on. It’s overkill, on all sides. And ironically, any technique other than the mind could be redirected anyway… e.g. if the Praetorian Guard of the Emperor gets upset about the state of things due to a different form of consciousness causing their minds to change, well.

Same thing on the other side, people don’t necessarily need to own guns in their houses because if they know members of the SWAT teams that trendy liberal lemmings tend to like to have guns when they call 911, well.

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