Monday, December 17, 2012

But theoretically, in an imaginary world....

If the US Military ever really wanted to they could slaughter every fat Bud Ice drinking commando who thinks buying an AR-15 makes him a warrior in about 6 months.

You mean like they have in Afghanistan?  Better hope their own soldiers don't go crazy and start shooting kids with their expert "gun control," if so. 

How is all that hopium and change working out for you and Seal Team Six under the tender care of Obama Inc.?  Does it seem a little bit like how things worked out for those patriotic CIA agents in Benghazi?

A side note, with respect to where empires go to die in general, even with all their great expertise and "special ops" techniques:  The Gun Markets of Pakistan 

Not that the American military would ever really want to turn against the terrists at home, even if they were told that fellow Americans are the terrists with the best PSY ops and main stream of media that money can buy.  And even if they were somehow taken in by it.. simple fact, no... they wouldn't necessarily be able to have a successful go of being Team America, World Police in America for corrupt politicians and the banksters that finance them.  That's probably why globalists have always sought to arm "rebels" around the world mainly with decentralized forms of weaponry, after they're done laundering their drug money to finance it all.

All just theoretical and irrelevant anyway... as long as the media is decentralized and word can get out you're always just one SWAT team member away from weapons caches anyway. 

Random note... killing 69 children in drone strikes for more hopium and change and not even a tear for them?  More drone control!

     Gun Control? No, Drone Control.

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