Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This is probably where things are headed. Even rebels are getting in on the entertainment these days.

One would almost think that it is a conspiracy... and maybe some of it is, as far as creating massive amounts of fake debt/money or paper ponzi but then disarming or policing the populace so that they have to pay it back in reality. It would seem to be a rather simple scheme, actually.  And it's not that the populace isn't stimulated by it or doesn't take part in it, until they aren't stimulated anymore.

I suspect that a lot of trends come about not as a result of a fully conscious form of "conspiracy" but because humans are like animals, forever trying to catch up to our own techniques and technologies ever since we picked up the first fig leaf to try to cover our sins. So like one of the futurists said, something along the lines of: "Look to our fiction because that's where our best stuff is." After all, after you have the miraculous "magic" of technology for a while it becomes mundane. If everyone was capable of transfiguration, sure they'd enjoy it for a while or perhaps being like "X men" and flying around or whatever else. But the One who died on a cross thousands of years ago wasn't about technique... although He is the Way and there is "magic" in the blood and so on and so forth, He is still all about a pattern of consciousness. And that's about as close as I can get using or "spelling" the magical spell of mere words as yet another technique, at least for now. I can dream about being "better" at it later, can't I?

"Oh for a thousand tongues..." and a few billion techniques besides these too. I can only imagine the profligacy of all creations, from the depths of evil to the heights of good.  And so from my study of the occult and magic and science and all the rest of it, I come full circle to the Christian theologians who pointed out the chief end of man hundreds of years ago.  Although they probably had their own issues with evil too.  Don't look into things too much, I guess... because the abyss is generally all you'll find in everything but the person of Jesus Christ.

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