Monday, December 10, 2012

Synchronicity and resonance...

It is increasingly the case (and I’ll give you a couple of recent examples) that people coalesce, form, and reform ideas in a much more powerfully focused, and abrupt, and stark way than they ever have in the past.
One of the most interesting examples of this is the so-called “Arab Spring” where the forces underlying these societies – totalitarianism, security services, violence, oppression, etc. – have existed in the countries that have been affected for decades. All of the sudden it started in January with a singular small event in Tunisia. And now it’s a few months later and there are 11 countries in various stages of more or less similar wide-spread revolts. 
And how did this happen? You speak to experts in the Middle East, you speak to experts in that area or in those particular countries, and you don’t get a satisfactory answer. You get “totalitarianism.” The answer, I believe, relates to social media and the way people are connected - it’s the Internet, it’s Facebook, it’s Twitter – and the way people process information enabling people to develop the same thoughts simultaneously* and to act and coalesce physically as well as emotionally. 
The vector changes with something like this are virtually instantaneous. In 6 months, for 11 countries that have been more or less family run or totalitarian, to be in revolt is a very, very powerful illustration of this point. The Flash Crash about a year ago in stocks, where all of the sudden, the technology of the marketplace and the way the exchanges had their rules about processing orders in relationship with other exchanges, coalesced one afternoon, to have hundreds of stocks virtually evaporate all at once - within seconds or minutes or five minutes or half an hour. 
This is a very powerful element and will serve as an accelerant in the next crisis so hold that one up on the blackboard, metaphorically speaking, while I talk about the next elements. "The Shape Of The Next Crisis" - A Preview By Elliott's Paul Singer
*I've noticed this more and more, even outside of the virtual media matrix. After all, it's highly likely that we're living in a matrix of media in general too. Except that here maybe information travels at the speed of light and we're actually lagging way behind things. That's probably why the language of mathematics is as useful as it is. I.e. it's like a small window into the matrix or design of the "real world" that our minds exist in.

Wait, are we supposed to imagine ourselves as being in a prison built by a "mean" Creator like the Gnostics/false prophets want people to imagine or was there something else that would view a lower form of existence as a prison even if it seemed like paradise to us?  Clever story?

As to false prophets and their rather big bellies, note that they can often accurately prophesy about the world and yet what would it profit one to gain the whole world if it was already owned by a ruler in a higher dimension anyway? Something along the lines of what Benjamin Franklin imagined when he imagined each solar system governed by a sun god and so on, with each one its own political star if it hadn't already killed all its subjects. Maybe the covering cherub has us covered and yet ironically, we're too self-centered to see that although the earth doesn't revolve around creatures of dirt that salvation has yet been freely offered to the prison guards of paradise. And that's the extent of it as far as we go, lowly as we are. So why not take the Creator of everything up on the offer?

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