Thursday, December 13, 2012


Thus, Washington D.C. was represented as Virgo, the Virgin, dominated by Jupiter (Rome). From that point on, virtually all of the buildings in the nation's capital, as well as the art buildings and statues, were dedicated or established on days when Virgo was prominent. To the Freemasons, Virgo represented the Egyptian goddess, Isis. To the average Catholic, Virgo represented the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. To the elements within the Roman Catholic Church, Virgo was Mary Magdalene, the supposed mother of Jesus Junior – said to be the progenitor of the Merovingian line of French kings. This is the subject of the recent book, The Da Vinci Code, as well as the 2001 movie, Revelations. And, of course, it appears in the recent movie series, The Matrix.

Most Roman Catholics do not realize that many powerful occult forces in the Roman Church have labored to put Mary Magdalene above Mary, the mother of Jesus. It was not always this way, but powerful forces in the Church silently made the change over the years. All of the Notre Dame churches in the world are dedicated to Mary Magdalene, not to Mary, mother of Jesus.

In the original L'Enfant design for Washington D.C., he specified that the President's house, the Capitol building, and the Washington Monument should be constructed to form a right triangle – in the shape of a Masonic square. All of these buildings were dedicated on days featuring Virgo.  (Washington, D.C.: "Rome on the Potomac" - Jesuits and the American Revolution - Lorenzo Ricci, America's Least-Known Founding Father)

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