Thursday, December 13, 2012

Jonathan Cahn with Sid Roth Part 1: Harbinger the Warning

An interesting view of 9/11, it was an act of God. Although things of this sort never seem to be so much an act of God as they are God removing a hedge to allow "acts of people" combined with spiritual rulers in high places to sacrifice others more than they already do in order to profit for themselves.  The real rulers of the world, they're a long way from the golden rule.  So is it to be a bull market for gold for more false prophets in the end?  Or perhaps a golden calf after escaping the current pyramid scheme of paper ponzi?  Etc. 

For those who think that the knowledge and patterns of information encrypted in the Bible are all the epistemic equivalent of superstition, that's unlikely.  Even if you looked at all ancient literature from the perspective of having a little scientific "quantum woo" mixed into the observations of the scribes, patterns of prophetic synchronicity and resonance might emerge in that "scientific" way of imagining things too.  At a lower level even basic aspects of historical knowledge lead to simple prophetic judgments about the trends of other lemmings, something along the lines of: "IF you dance around the pagan fires all day long and throw your children into them so that you get to keep dancing and having orgies, THEN another nation may destroy you."  Logical?  

In any event, note that the Jewish symbols and signs of the sort in the video may all be blamed on Jewish banksters if people try to fit everything into a scientific test tube like the Nazis did instead of admitting that there is a spiritual aspect to such things. Also note, when people try to fit everything into a test tube (instead of admitting to basic aspects of being conscious of reality) that the test tube side of things never seems to last long. I.e. their "science" seems to become the equivalent of nature based paganism (i.e. superstition) and then that turns into the old UFOs/gods emerging in the astrology, alchemy and evolution of the occult (e.g. Nazism)  And if history is any measure, then people may emerge more fully from the bowels of the body politic to begin talking about how the biological substance of the Jews is their "eternal enemy" and so on and so forth if their paper ponzi is stripped away and they begin to feel less "stimulated" by the private banking cartel financing their moral deficits.

Anyway, it seems unlikely to me that people will repent. (Probably too busy with trampling each other to death at Walmart Inc., etc..)

So.... more war, more "holocausts," more UFOs at nuclear sites and more foo fighters incoming soon?
The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific Theater of Operations.
Though "foo fighter" initially described a type of UFO reported and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly used to mean any UFO sighting from that period.
Formally reported from November 1944 onwards, witnesses often assumed that the foo fighters were secret weapons employed by the enemy, but they remained unidentified post-war and were reported by both Allied and Axis forces. --Wikipedia


Anonymous said...

Some more pattern recognition, this one of a Masonic/Islamic bent:


mynym said...

I think what amounts to Jewish symbolism and pattern recognition is more convincing. It seems like there are little tell tale signs in other forms of pattern recognition. For instance, it usually seems become more like a Rorschach test where it turns out that you have to be willing to imagine it for yourself or "perceptions are reality." Faith? Maybe. Still waiting on another Jewish physicist to tell "the base" more about the reality out there that's supposedly totally devoid of consciousness, though...

In any event, pretty much all the elite, most main stream musicians and almost everyone in positions of power around the world tend to be "into" patterns of the latter astrological/Masonic/Mormon/Islamic/whatever sort. With respect to Masonry, it seems it's either one big symbolic Rorschach test into which people can project what they will (How surprising) or it's "How to become more knowledgeable and powerful by becoming demon possessed in 33 easy steps!" (Again, surprising... except that it's probably framed as using the wisdom of Solomon to make the demons/UFOs/aliens do your will and then people become convinced by a few parlor tricks of "magick," etc. Yeah, you sure outsmarted the aliens.)

There seems to be only One that all the religions of babble are united against. I.e. the singular nature of the claims of Jesus Christ as being the same as the singular Creator are hated and intolerable. Most Babylonians (i.e. babble* on and on...ions?) or copy Jewish or Christian history and symbolism, yet it all seems to be directed toward the ego or something else playing pretend about being God.

*There again, who am I to talk? Lol.

mynym said...



To Babel.

Anonymous said... seems it's either one big symbolic Rorschach test into which people can project what they will

Perhaps they have been blinded from recognizing the metaphorical inkblot as simply the mark of Cain?
