Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Zealots studying civilization... at least they got to the point eventually.

Italy's First Black Minister Greeted With "Nooses On Lampposts"

new hedgeless_horseman
hedgeless_horseman's picture

So European, Japanese, Italian, Irish, Chinese, Swedes, and Americans don't do well on IQ tests designed in Africa?  Are you sure?  Do you have a citation for that study?
Are you saying every race in the world has equivalent intelligence, on average?
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 10:49 | 3757660 new McMolotov
McMolotov's picture

Practically speaking, there are different kinds of intelligence. I know I'd suck at an IQ test that was all about hut construction and clitorectomies.
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 10:50 | 3757666 new espirit
espirit's picture
The Italians/Sicilians are still pissed about being over-run by the NA hoards.  They should treat the Congolese like long lost cousins...
(which they are btw)
Tue, 07/16/2013 - 10:57 | 3757682 new ParkAveFlasher
ParkAveFlasher's picture

I don't believe IQ only has to do with race when race correlates with culture, which normally is a derivative of local climate and time. If you take, say, a young Harvard-graduated Goldman Sachs analyst and dump in The Bush you will find his intelligence quite lacking.  Likewise, if you take Bushman out of the Bush and dump on the trading floor, the same would be said.
What never shows on IQ tests is the type of intelligence it takes to survive, thrive, and flourish within a given circumstance where the smart ones are already well-settled, networked, and rife with experential tips.  You have to baseline to the culture and you can't compare apples and oranges.
It's like saying eagles are superior to toucans because of the loftiness of the eagle's flight and sharpness of its gaze.  The toucan might argue that it is reasonable contented in a shady tree eating mangos all day and showing off its feathers.  Then again, the toucan would not survive long in the Pugent Sound.
IQ measures abstractions of intelligence, not intelligence itself.  Intelligence only bears observation.  

(Emphasis added)

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