Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Metabunk 7/3

There are also a few ceremonies where you're initiated and get incorporated into the "group mind."*  Ultimately, if you reach the 33rd degree then you're likely to be incorporated into the ruling class of this world, which itself seems to be incorporated with a Prince of this world.  Benjamin Franklin liked to imagine it as being incorporated with a principality ruling our sun.  Etc.  Yet if everyone is making of it what they will and headed toward a New Age and so forth, then why is it that they usually come to the same old conclusions? 

I'd imagine that there is nothing new under the sun, except the Son.

So it would seem that America began as a Freemasonic plantation (Common Wealth Inc.?) and that it's likely to end as one too.  But there was a Whiskey Rebellions among those that thought that more liberty should trickle down to them after the revolution and the strong overall influence in America of almost equally unruly Protestant Christians in the meantime. 

Yet now that the Churches have generally gone silent on everything of cultural significance (Being anti-war, supporting prisoners of Corrections Corporation of America, minor things like that.) and focused their time and energy on going gay or transexual with 2% of the population along other forms of entertainment, we'll probably see how it all goes down sometime within our lifespans.  Probably whenever the banksters decide to make significant moves with their federal reserve notes that we're using as our money/debt.      

*If you're an English policeman, then not only do you get to wear the symbolic octagon of a stop sign on your head... you get to wear "the base" of the playing field or grand chessboard wrapped around the brains between your temples too.  Real.  Dumb.  There again, I guess that's calling people dumbbells or whatever.  But it matters little, now that the auxiliaries are moving toward militaristic SWAT Team uniforms and so forth.

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