Monday, October 06, 2014

Ramble 10/6

The only marginally significant thing you wrote: ...the Obamacare canard is BS and Wade ought to know this. Sigh.

At a minimum (wage) it's not helping, mainly because the financial services """"industry"""" composed of bankers and representatives of insurance companies isn't really doing that much for people.  (Or doing anything other than living like parasites* on people that actually create wealth.)

On that note, saying "I'm an engineer." was a good move.  I mean, it's better than saying "I'm not a witch."

*In theory it could be a symbiotic relationship because people with their papers and ponzi are necessary and valuable.  But they're not hundreds of millions in bonuses and record corporate profits (etc.etc.) valuable.  In other words, what could be a symbiotic relationship (the Founders limiting themselves as a class, etc.) in the body politic usually turns into a parasitic oligarchy (See David Anderson's summary of the corporate regime/cartels and the Feudal/bureaucratic state that they now own and finance.). 

However one wants to put it, the emergence of Feudalism  (in the name of free markets and capitalism) for "We the peasants..." thanks to the New World Order Inc. is probably the most significant issue.

noun: feudalism
    the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection.
   Try shutting down banksterism by issuing your own currencies or War Inc. by forming militias to provide for your own defense and see what type of "capitalist" or "free market" system has already emerged in America.  Some call it crony capitalism.  I call it Feudalism.  And there are now more American peasants in prison then ever... still waiting on the debtors prisons to open for business in Corrections Corporation of America directly.

Maybe Anderson could give Wade a script to read:
The simultaneous rise of the corporate state and the administrative state may be the greatest threat to liberty since World War 1 and the rise of the income tax, the Fed, the bureaucracy, and the War and Emergency Powers Act. Wilson built the administrative state which expanded later. Now we are to the point where laws are passed in Congress, but we don’t know what they mean until the regulations emerge out of the national archives. ....   Worse yet, the Iron Triangle of lobbyists, bureaucrats, and corporate bureaucrats and the revolving door between them, has led to a community of shared interests and objectives between them. You and I get left out of the mix too often.
  The thing of it is, Wade might not agree.  

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