Saturday, June 15, 2013

Zerohedge... random comment

This reference to the now laughably discredited program of the FBI's to find sub-normal dupe patsies amongst the immigrant populatation... and give them weapons, instructions, and directions to the target has ...disrupted dozens of (theatrically produced)plots to induce Merikans to flop into their fearbunny suits... in order to set the psychological mood for a campaign of death and destruction in the middle east in the interests of a tiny terrorist statelet... whose dual-citiiZend operatives 'own' sham governmental 'security' services like FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS and so on... but you knew that! In one or other of your multiple-personalities which get triggered on command...just like the dupe patsies who you pretend to be so afraid of.... Comedy Central!..."plots against the homeland~"Obama "hates" whoever and whatever his controllers instruct him to... if he 'hates western civilization'... you can be sure you are working for the same cause as him.

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