Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bitcoin and Euro-white" supremacy"/existence... priceless.

[–]cyberodd 2 points  
Worth about $4,500,000 today those coins.
[–]GaliX0 [score hidden]  
Who says he didn't buy the coins back the same day?
He said the pizza was tasty.
Ofc you can hodle your coins until you die or you can use them as a currency...
[–]Phrenico [score hidden]  
Or just hodl until you become a millionaire and then use them as a currency? Yeah, I think I'd prefer taking that risk.
[–]Frdl [score hidden]  
I don't always see infantile memes, but when I do, it's more often than not in the bitcoin sub which reeks of teenage hormones and juvenile behavior.
He didn't. He's actually posted a lot on that forum up until 2014.
3-4 years ago there were less than 100 people frequenting this forum, and I was pretty happy to trade 10,000 coins for pizza. I mean people can say I'm stupid, but it was a great deal at the time. I don't think anyone could have known it would take off like this. Smiley
Laszlo" -Feb 2014
[–]crypto_bot [score hidden]  
Address: 1XPTgDRhN8RFnzniWCddobD9iKZatrvH4
Balance: 0.00010000 btc
Number of transactions: 3321
Total sent: 81432.09000000 btc
Total received: 81432.09010000 btc
View on block explorers:

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