Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Herp... derp...

Another example I just came across: 
Mindy’s brother Vijay Chokalingam was accepted by the St. Louis University School of Medicine in 1999, despite the fact that he lacked the grades. He did this by shaving his head and pretending to be a black (sub-Saharan African) man.
    “In my junior year of college, I realized that I didn’t have the grades or test scores to get into medical school, at least not as an Indian-American. Still, I was determined to become a doctor and I knew that admission standards for certain minorities under affirmative action were, let’s say… less stringent? So, I shaved my head, trimmed my long Indian eyelashes, and applied to medical school as a black man.” – Vijay Chokalingam
   Now Vijay Cokalingam is writing a book titled Almost Black – The True Story Of An Indian American Who Got Into Medical School Pretending To Be An African American.
Mindy Kaling’s brother got into medical school by pretending to be black
  This isn't about leveling the playing field.  It's about leveling the players.  If the same standards were applied to the NFL then corner backs would not be 100% African American and African pygmies would be given a "level playing field."

Game theory...  "level playing field," "the race card"...   all people are often doing is playing games and that's just more entertainment. 

Apparently this is the way that many hopium smoking and freedumb fries eating white people want things in their declining culture of entertainment, Right and Left, Progressive and Conservative, Democrat and Republican.  It's what the majority of white people seem to want.  Entertainment.  Fantasy Football, etc. 

But even so, White Team is losing the game in reality because their fair/white little peasant minds have been gamed* to the point that they do not know that pretty much everyone else in the world is still playing games based on having an ethnic team/tribe.

*Mainly by a tribe/team of owners that cannot be named or pointed out.  That's the first rule of the game!

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