Monday, January 19, 2015

Gisting dump... not focused enough.

But anyway... let's take one of these people being groomed by the FBI again, just like terrorist catching cells (or terrist creating?) working in the FBI did with the original WTC bombings... when one of their terrists recorded them.  (Google: WTC bombings tapes) 

According to the corporate media, almost all later terrists were groomed by Anwar Al-Awlaki before he got "whacked," as Maher put it.  Or perhaps it would be more appropriate to say flushed down The Toilet/Al Qaeda like the dumb Islamic peasant he was.    My favorite was the theatrical production of his underwear bomber, so take a look at that one.    Google:  (Umar Farouk, Kurt Haskell)

The usual.  There's a whistle blower and consequently, "conspiracy theories."  Why is that?  Why would Kurt Haskell lie?    

Do you understand what factions within the US government have been doing or trying to do with "cells" in the body politic that they well know about, yet?   Probably not.

 Apparently in your view there are millions of people.  Millions of peasants.  Yet Anwar Al-Awlaki's terrists are all in a cell and under surveillance by factions within the federal government while he visits the Pentagon. 

Actual speculation:  The Islamic peasants involved probably have ELF weapons being pointed at their heads to make them think they hear the voice of Allah, at this point.  My best guess on the navy yard shooter a little while ago is that one of those weapons fell into the hands of private contractors.  But given that they're designed to mimic people being crazy and hearing voices, who can say?  (Google:  navy yard shooter, my ELF weapon)     

The reason I can find information quickly is because one can develop a theoretical understanding of it but the facts are verifiable and observable.  In the case of the underwear bomber, there is a whistle blower.  His testimony in that instance of terrism that led to Chertoff's Rapiscan Inc. profits is what it is.  Look at it.

North Americaninformal
noun: patsy; plural noun: patsies
    a person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something.
  Does that mean that a "Oops dropped my ID at the scene of the crime!" patsy is a saint or is not a criminal?  That they do not want to kill you with an underwear bomb?  No.  It doesn't mean that.  In fact...  the reason that they make the lists kept by national security states is that they are, indeed, criminals. You might even agree with flushing The Toilet, including a sixteen year old Muslim kid by "mistake" on some accounts... but not really on others.  But that's not a Constitutional Republic with due process.  So what are you saying, that the Founders are outdated?  

All I would say about the model of terror being used by national security states now is, I wonder if similar techniques would work on the Westboro Baptist Church or perhaps La Raza?  Here's a big bra bomber, video tape them walking across the border and then for easily terrified Fox News peasants: "Secure the borders!!!!"  Which would cause the predictable sequence of high probability events among MSNBC peasants:  "Do not... that would be racist!" 

That scenario is not in the interests of oligarchs so that's not going to happen, unlike the bungled WMD narrative in Syria.  You're not going to bring the "war on terror" to your own borders.  (This isn't WWI, where you were expected to go to war in order to prevent an imaginary invasion from Mexico!)   And the way some peasants on the Left are they would probably protest the "war on terror" by turning it into a "war on women" and burning their bras as a show of solidarity with the bra bomber.  

I try to go for satire but THIS IS HOW DUMB* PEASANTS ARE and you others generally do not make the least attempt to see through it.  And this is in the context of having more information available at your finger tips than FBI bureau chiefs used to have in their files and profiles. 

Your ignorance with respect to how the modern model of a "war on terror" has been created and financed isn't necessarily my responsibility.   

*For example:  Femen.  Pussy Riot.  Soros and subversive groups created by other Jewish Leftists (the usual) in Russia could be the model for scenarios involving incorporating a bra bomber in the war on terror....  in reality.  Freedumb.      

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