You're not even capable of merely observing what is going on around you, let alone coming up with theories on why the observable facts that are occurring around you, keep on recurring around you. Doopee doo... there's Mr. Moseley trotting along oblivious to observable facts and the reports of our own intelligence agencies (Provided Mossad isn't lying to them about a "meeting in Prague" or "yellowcake in Niger" or whatever again.), probably about to try to search his own underpants for WMDs if Jewish factions tell him that's where their war on terror is located now.
Jews supporting open immigration among the goyim and letting your hundreds of year old Muslim enemies into your nation while you simultaneously argue that Muslims need to be killed "over there," that makes sense to you? Your strategery is to "fight them over there" at the behest of right wing Zionists whenever neocons win elections.... while simultaneously refusing to support or focus on closing the borders of all the nations of the West for the sake of the white people that are supposed to "fight them over there."
That's a lot of freedumb, Mr. Moseley.
With respect to your refusal to identify Jewish interests and Jews in general (Blameless... pure as the driven snow... not a penny missing!) apparently I naturally echo America's old investigative journalists.
I didn't realize that but:
“Practically every vendor of vile hooch, every owner of a moonshine still, every snake-faced gangster and embryonic yegg in the Twin Cities is a JEW.I wrote the same exact thing the other day. Jew, Jew, Jew! Rambling. Just thought it was funny that they literally wrote "Jew, Jew, Jew" when dealing with ethnic networks of gangsters just like I did.
“I simply state a fact when I say that ninety percent of the crimes committed against society in this city are committed by Jew gangsters.
“It was a Jew who employed JEWS to shoot down Mr. Guilford. It was a Jew who employed a Jew to intimidate Mr. Shapiro and a Jew who employed JEWS to assault that gentlemen when he refused to yield to their threats. It was a JEW who wheedled or employed Jews to manipulate the election records and returns in the Third ward in flagrant violation of law. It was a Jew who left two hundred dollars with another Jew to pay our chief of police just before the last municipal election, and:
“It is Jew, Jew, Jew, as long as one cares to comb over the records.”
I wonder if they'll try to shut down the internet. They can't really, seems to me. It's just going to make the cover up worse than the hundreds of years of crime, gangsterism, attempts at ethnic cleansing and hopium that have already been covered up.
The cover up is eventually worse than the crime, as they say.
Once again, I apologize to Dov Zakheim and the usual Jewish gangsters for making Mr. Moseley into your defense lawyer here.
But let us face facts with respect to "fair"/white trials and the American justice system of "fairness" favored by the working class white Americans that Mr. Moseley and the Republicans do not lift a finger to represent anymore than Obama represents working class black people... you deserve it.
After all, fair is fair!