Friday, May 01, 2015

Mr. Moosely... "Ma moo me, moo moo...." Goyim!

.... inability to learn or engage in any dialogue.


Look out! The Jews are coming to get you!

What this amounts to:
Most members of our own race... like well-trained dogs [goyim]... snarl and bite when their Jewish masters utter certain key-words, such as “fascist,”“racist,” and the like, which take the place of the “sic ‘em” to which dogs respond. They are, furthermore, so emotionally addicted to narcotic fantasies that many of them are both unwilling and unable to endure the distress of looking at the real world about them and thinking rationally about it. They understandably prefer to close tightly the eyes of their minds and live in the dream-world of pleasurable fairy tales, such as they heard in the childhood to which they subconsciously long to regress. As Kipling neatly characterized them, “If they desire a thing, they declare it is true. If they desire it not, though that were death itself, they cry aloud, ‘It has never been!”

It is a tragic and potentially disastrous fact that any candid and reasonably comprehensive analysis of our present plight not only exposes its author to surreptitious or open reprisals, but also alienates many members of our befuddled and perhaps doomed race, making them snarl and want to bite the man who would make them face an unpleasant reality. Many more are so timorous that even a hint of disrespect for Jews sends them running for cover, like frightened cats, lest the Jews punish them for having listened to impious words.

Many members of our race, to be sure, secretly resent their covert overlords and sometimes venture, when alone with trusted friends, to make jests or give other hints that, deep in their hearts, they do not venerate the Jews. And if we observe our compatriots, we eventually come to know of many, often persons of very considerable wealth, who would gladly read forbidden publications, but do not dare subscribe to them, not even through post office boxes and under assumed names, lest the Jews discover their secret disaffection and punish them for their thoughts. A tiny minority of our people, it is true, most commonly the comparatively poor, who think themselves protected by their obscurity, more or less openly resent the Jewish dominion and, by a nice irony, call themselves “anti-Semitic,” thus thoughtlessly using the nonsense word that strident propaganda has implanted in their minds. Some have sufficiently escaped the contemporary thought-control to dare to use the word Aryan, which is the only convenient and approximately accurate designation of our race, although the Jews forbid us to utter it. But even these bold spirits are usually ill-informed and prone to strong emotions, sometimes seething with a frustrated hatred of the international race.
Although they are few in number, the Aryans who feel real hatred disturb the complacency of some Jews, even in this country, where their increasingly open control seems absolute.
--Anonymous or Revilo Oliver, if one prefers

Are Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban like imaginary Eskimos, Mr. Mooseley?

They understandably prefer to close tightly the eyes of their minds and live in the dream-world....

Unfortunately, it seems we White people are stupid in some ways as a group.  The internet may be giving us a form of synthetic intelligence if the algorithms that were designed to market us more products basically force feed us information on the Master Race using us instead.   

But that's about it.  Over all, pretty dumb.  In some ways, in the "perceptions are reality world" of culture and tribal groups...  we may be an inferior race!

When we consider this prodigious achievement [Jewish dominion over the dumb goyim], this astounding triumph over seemingly insuperable weakness, we must recognize that it was made possible only by that race’s cohesion, a biological virtue that I wish our race could emulate, even though the Jews forbid us to do so. The Jews have won through their intense racial consciousness and effective solidarity. It is true that there have been violent dissensions among them when their leaders struggle for power, and that in those civil contentions the various factions have often enlisted goyim against each other, but their most violently antagonistic factions have always been united in an underlying hatred of those goyim. When, for example, Jesus ben Simon was slugging it out with his brother, Onias, for the high priesthood in Jerusalem, the capital of their ubiquitous race, both tried to make use of the gullible Seleucids, but there can be no doubt that each regarded the stupid goyim as mere tools, to be broken and discarded when they had served their purpose. [This was written a while ago but interesting to note this foresight:] There is still today a certain tension between the avowed Zionists and a minority of Jews who prefer to exploit the subject races tranquilly, and who fear that too blatant assertions of Jewish superiority may make the goyim react, but it is a dispute over means, not ends, and it is noteworthy that the minority is rapidly dwindling as the craven submission of Aryans to even such flagrant outrages as the bombing and strafing of the U. S. S. Liberty gives assurance that the beasts of burden can always be harnessed to work for their masters, no matter how much they may be beaten and kicked. 
[This has only gotten worse as Zionist factions realized that they could send dumb American goyim to wars based on virtually any ludicrous pretext.]
This virtually perfect cohesion, by the way, must in large measure account for the intellectual superiority of which the Jews boast and which, I fear, we must concede....

.... [I] personally only know Jews who, apart from their undoubted cleverness in making money out of the natives, seem stupid, or who ingratiate themselves with the Aryans among whom they have chosen to reside by blandly professing participation in our culture (and I do not mean that all such professions are necessarily hypocritical). But, for all practical purposes, the race is today, as Josephus boasted it was in his time, a unit, and it is somehow very ably directed in its predatory operations against other races. How much of this highly intelligent strategy is instinctive and how much is planned by a supreme command, I shall not try to determine; the available evidence is conflicting and not conclusive.

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