Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Ramble/research 9/9

Reading about this... as I understand it this is about cultivating a multicultural group of deracinated serfs probably only united by entertainment, sex and frivolity.  If that, given that multiculturalism often turns into a bloody experiment and yet another failure that causes a police state to emerge.  

Apparently the whole point of this "schooling" (jobs/money) isn't even addressed (mortgages/banking/loan debt necessitating jobs).  If you're going to teach to the technical details of life while removing any perspective on the whole of the art of living...  then teach the Global MFing details of the financial system and the money. 

Heck, if the technical details were being taught then a few students being "schooled" might even wake up and think, "Me, ma moo?  That's how the money I need is being created?  Who are the people doing that?   Wut?"

People seem to be removing an education in the art of life while simultaneously failing to focus on technical details of any significance to commoners too:
...Common Core’s radical diminution of the time that can be spent on any literature, classic or otherwise. Instead, the ELA standards dictate that English teachers should focus much more on... texts such as nonfiction tracts and technical manuals—perhaps 50 percent or more of the English curriculum. [31] A teacher who is directed to devote at least half of class time to nonfiction, including nonfiction from other disciplines such as science and technical subjects, will simply not have time to teach Melville, Twain, Hawthorne, and Dickinson in any meaningful way. Thus does English education become less academic, and less about English.[32] 

The shift away from literature and toward informational texts reinforces the principle that education—even English education—should be geared toward practical workforce development. Another result, as we shall see, is to pave the way for the introduction of state-approved values.

Under the workforce development model, Paradise Lost has less value than a technical tract that may be useful on the student’s job someday. If students are to become “career-ready” and able to compete in the “global economy,” [competing with Chinese serfs globally and an unrelenting stream of immigrants locally, etc.] there is no time to waste on frills.

Unfortunately, this view also appeals to many pragmatic “conservatives,” who have drawn the wrong conclusion from the steady decline of educational outcomes as control has shifted to the federal government, and as curriculum has been watered down to introduce popular works at the expense of classic literature. Rather than return to what worked in the past, these conservatives argue, we must refocus curriculum on what will get our poorly educated students a job. As one (conservative Republican) state education official opined, “Reading Shakespeare won’t help a kid fill out a job application.”


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