Friday, September 11, 2015


On topic:  General Wesley Clark: The US will attack 7 countries in 5 years

Perhaps they're now figuring out that the Russians actually will do something.    Side note, the "very mysterious" documents that apparently appeared for no reason listing the countries that needed to be attacked probably came from the Jewish nationalists running the Office of Special Plans.  It's like they literally set up an "Office of Special Conspiracies" right there in the Pentagon and these numb nut generals pretend to know nothing about it.  Or they play politics with it. 

"It was a 911 coup... I mean a policy coup!" 

"When you have a hammer then everything looks like a nail.  Or somethin'."

"We're going to attack Iraq.  We don't know why yet...  maybe they're waiting on anthrax attacks?  Wait, that narrative fell apart and was blamed on us!  Well, we'll continue to await our orders..."

"Hey, have you read my book or listened to my speeches?  It was a coup...  I mean, a policy coup!"

These guys.


Another gem:
There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.

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