Thursday, September 03, 2015

Ramble 9/3

The underlying concerns in the community based on the false narrative of "the mainstream media" seem to be that European Americans are gunning down African Americans left and right for the fun of it.

We're "not allowed" to get into uprooting the concerns of the community that are based on the narratives of incitement typical to the anti-White/corporate/international media in America.  They're concerned that this might be another Ferguson.  Well, what happened in Ferguson? And what is happening there now? 

The Main Stream Media has gone back to Manhattan to watch for its next target (probably some hapless frat boy) but the residents of Ferguson, Missouri are living with an economic nightmare. And, thanks to the MSM’s Politically Correct riot, the worst is yet to come.

What makes this all the more tragic is the implicit acknowledgement by the MSM that there wasn’t much racial injustice or public anger to begin with.
The most dramatic case: the Canfield Green apartments, the location where Officer Darren Wilson shot Michael Brown, and a frequent source of complains about crime [Diverse police forces are not a panacea for fatal police shootings, by Jesse Bogan, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 3, 2014].

As Gregory Hood noted in RADIX, Section 8 Vouchers represent “state policy, not a failure of government” and “the deliberate importation of a criminal class that devastated property values, eradicated social capital, and created permanent and insolvable racial conflict.” [ENDGAME, March 9, 2015].

So what’s happened to Ferguson?

Businesses that have left town since the unrest began include
  Socialism wasn't enough for the "people from Manhattan," "the mainstream media" or "Saul Alinsky" to subvert America, they've been trying to create racial socialism while promoting more immigration by groups of people that they'll be able to incorporate in "globalism" and incite against European Americans the future.

If African Americans were able to build up their communities then they might have to deal with Somali immigrants and "refugees" blowing stuff up eventually.  The implicitly European type of civilization in America built up and left by the Founders to us can't carry all this (the incitement of African Americans, Jewish nationalism, a global multicult for the goyim, immigration, etc.) anymore than the Swedes can carry what they've done to themselves without turning to tribalism. 

It's already happening.  

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