Sunday, May 08, 2005

The Extracosmosials ;-)

Once upon a time there was an extracosmosial that had the capability to create. So that is what they did. Then there was a rebellion by another being against the leadership of the creative being. They wanted the power to create, just the same. Yet since they were a contigent being and so a created being themselves, they did not win the fight. They had relied on deception and thought that the paradoxes they were creating between Good and Evil would cause the first being to weaken enough for them to take over. So there was a war between the beings. The second being and any of his followers could rely on twisting the Good against itself, yet the second being lost the first war. Still it would not surrender and so the first created a world to represent many messages to the second.

One thing they would do would be to use the evil of the evil transphysical being for good. It was enraged at first, to have its power limited so. It wanted to go back to the way things once were. Yet it would not agree make restitution for the destruction it had caused. For to create was a lot of work and would make it weaker, and so it would not surrender. There was still a war although it went rather cold and the conflict was not as open as the second being and its followers tried to negotiate with the first. They asked if they surrendered to the will of the first, why couldn't they go back to the way things once were? Yet that was not surrendering to the will of the first as what the will of the first was, was that they make restitution. This was one of the messages of the system that represented messages to them. There was cause and effect. They could not have something for nothing as they wanted now. It would have to be created, and all creation cost a creator something.

The creative being had set up a garden where there would be a process of death and life, the degenerative being used for the creative. At first Evil allowed itself to be used and turned to Good in the system of cause and effect in the new world. And so it was good again. So the creative being gardened the garden and the message was repeated over and over that evil and death could and would be turned to life, and the place teemed with life. The pattern was represented by the plants of the place, the death of which all other life could live on.

Then the creative being created some life after its own pattern. It even put its own sort of being into the life that was meant to continue to tend to the garden and to ultimately subdue the whole planet. This caused a second war.

At first the second being tried to negotiate and argued to the first that this was just too much, yet the hatred it held toward the first began to be brought out. For it still hated the creative pattern of the first, as it was still a contingent being and could not have the same power. And now, was a portion of the very thing it had fought to grasp for itself to be given to these bits of the earth on its world? This was not a message to be learned, this was just vindictive! This was its own world, wasn't it? The repeating message was for it. It was the evil pattern being turned to Life, so it was the Good! This was enough, what was this about more and more submission to bits of this system?

It had the knowledge of both Good and its own Evil and the Good could not say the same. It thought that there must be a way to use its knowledge. And so it told itself that equality with the first being was still something that it could have.

Then it broke the rules of the world in order to destroy the messengers and the message. It was tired of seeing it.

Index I
Index II
Index III
Not indexed yet,
Science Fiction

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