Friday, May 13, 2005

The Soul Doctors

Karl Kraus, writing on a popular form of scientism in his day,

If you have been robbed, do not complain either to the policeman or to the psychologist: the policeman is not interested; and the psychologist is interested only in proving that you are not the victim but the thief.

Psychologists: unmaskers of the insignificant, swindlers of the significant.

Modern psychologists have greatly enlarged the frontiers of irresponsibility: they needed more space in this territory.

My unconscious knows more about the consciousness of the psychologist than his consciousness knows about my unconscious.

Psychology is the most powerful religion: it turns doubt into bliss. As weakness engenders not humility but arrogance, this new doctrine enjoys great earthly success and lords over all other creeds and cults.

The new science of mad-doctoring has dared to invade the mystery of genius. ....I will stand watch and personally consign these manufacturers of madness-whose cry, 'Anything to treat?' is now heard all over the land-into oblivion. Their teaching enlarges irresponsibility and thus diminishes the personality.

If mankind, with all its repulsive faults, is an organism, then the psychoanalyst is its excrement. Psychoanalysis is an occupation in whose very name "psyche" and "anus" are united. Its practitioners are divided into separate sects, each with its own Journal, each representing its own distinctive, and yet typically psychoanalytic, doctrine of destroying God, disgracing Nature, and demeaning Art.

Despite its deceptive terminology, psychoanalysis is not a science but a religion-the faith of a generation incapable of any other.
(Anti-Freud: Karl Kraus's Criticism of Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry, By Thomas Szasz)

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