Monday, May 09, 2005

The Nazis and Science

Ironically, Nature worshipping pagans worked against themselves by discriminating against the "Jewish influence."

(The Nordic Pagan Chant Grows Louder
By Albion Rossberlin
The New York Times, Aug 4, 1935; pg. 3-4)

It seems that some people may tend to know the Mind of God better than others. Here are two stories to compare Nazi scientism with scientia, an open pursuit of knowledge to those of a mind to try to seek and find.

(Praises Nazi Scientists
The New York Times
July 10, 1943, pg. 3)

This praise for Hitler's professors stands in contrast to actual results. Those who believe in scientism seem to use science as a mask for systems of belief that are rather like some ancient forms of Nature based paganism. Ironically, they seem to believe that if America continues to be one of the most religious nations on earth, then it will be a failure when it comes to science and technology. (As if it has been such a failure?)

Who fails, and who succeeds...

(Report by Britain
By Clifton Daniel
The New York Times
August 7, 1945 pg. 1)

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