Wednesday, December 08, 2004


"Hitler stopped and looked me in the eyes, ‘Christianity is, for the moment, one of the points in the programme I have laid down. But we must look ahead. Rosenberg is a forerunner, a prophet. His theories are the expression of the German soul.'"
(Otto Strasser
Hitler and I
Boston, Houghton Mifflin
Company 1940 :96)

I need to assemble a pattern of evidence about demoniacs, just to get this pattern down. They tend to have these "visions" and things, like Hitler did. Then they are virulently anti-Christianity and/or anti-Judaism, sometimes secretly. They must put on a good public face for political reasons.

Another vision:
"Ed Murrow's ghost is here," Rather told the Hollywood Reporter. "I've seen him and talked to him on the third floor of this building many times late at night. And I can tell you that he's watching over us."
Cite: all over the internet, Google it.

This guy thinks he is talking to a ghost. All these stories upon stories, myths, etc., are they all a bunch of liars? I can deconstruct a story fairly well. Some stories fall apart easily, others not so much. In the end, I can see no reason why people lie about these things, all the time. I would not quite accept their version of "ghosts" though. There are some ghosts that are not holy ghosts at all. They seem to be unholy ghosts.

Good ol' demented Dan, his spirit looks out with such a vain glory and arrogance. But just whose vain glory is in the eyes of those who do what is right in their own eyes? The bonfire of the vanities can burn very hot, perhaps even now the flame of righteousness can singe the spirit of vain glory.


Anonymous said...

I wonder just who Dan Rather really is talking to when he thinks he is talking to the ghost of Murrow! It is very sad really.


mynym said...

As to this talk of crediblity and so on. Actually, the New Media seems more credible than the Old Press. It is getting to that point, certainly.

And on this story, all sources trace back to Dan Rather, who is not necessarily a credible source. In fact, he seems to be a demoniac. Some would want to say maniac, those who here "voices" or see "visions" are written off this way. However, it can be observed that brain lesions do not cause this. I'll probably write more about this some time in the future.

Why would anyone want a credible source when one can have an incredible source?