Thursday, November 12, 2015

First they came for the Germans.

Why can't genocidal Jews just leave Germans alone at this point?

It's not like they have rabbis/teachers teaching them that they're a master race, destined to rule over and monetize the entire world/goyim.

" It was the indispensable condition under which this Germanic essence, the Germanic soul, and the Germanic national community could flourish, but which now, relative to the prevailing reality and conditions of our modern times, can only be manifested “underground”. And that is WHY the war against National Socialism is STILL being waged with such fury, even now. It is NOT their goal to destroy a “political ideology”, but rather, to destroy the German people (physically, mentally and spiritually)."

I would like to know, if some Germans want to go farm and be self-sufficient for the sake of their kin/children... then what is that to these Jews?



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