Thursday, November 01, 2012

On Baby Boomers, aborting the future of other generations

One may ask “what does the economy have to do with pro life”. My answer is EVERYTHING. What is the main reason cited for abortion? Mainly convenience and ‘choice’. Why does one need the ‘choice’ or convenience? The down and dirty answer is money. We never have enough, and it seems the other side continually pushes the false allegations that we live in a world of scarcity, and this includes money (or the lack thereof). The current money, known as Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) is printed at will, and as we can see, the printing has increased exponentially in the past two years. When money can be printed at will, or out of ‘thin air’, abuse is soon to follow. Our national debt, not including the unfunded liabilities (promised future benefits with no money to pay for them) stand at nearly 12 Trillion dollars. The interest alone on this debt is nearing half a Trillion annually. Currently, the largest holder of U.S. debt (U.S. Treasury bonds) is China, with roughly 1.7 trillion. Obama is talking about another 9-10 trillion of additional debt over the next ten years, and this will raise the interest payments alone to nearly 1 Trillion dollars per year. This in turn, takes away from productivity, and creates a downward spiral of debt: the more debt we have, the more we must borrow to pay today’s bills, thus owing more interest that then requires more borrowing, etc. The more money spent on interest, the less to spend on real needs, and thus the artificial ‘scarcity’ built into the system. When one feels the constant pressure to ‘downsize’, they look at potential liabilities. Children are one of the greatest expenditures parents can have, and unfortunately, become the largest liabilities, and are thus seen as expendable. God's Money

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