Friday, November 16, 2012

Healthcare in reality vs. paper ponzi...

…. where does the other $299,000 come from, Falcor.

The way things are going apparently the plan is to have it come from paper ponzi until the currency wars* turn into real wars, beginning with and staged in the Mid East. Note how the epicenter of idolatry makes people stupid and how they begin fighting over a "Dome of Rock" or other bits of rock and dust. So prepare for more reports on it from Rockefeller Center while NBC "news" Rock Center journalists/lemmings report more at 11 for the sake of their worthless careers, etc.

Back on the topic of trying to use more paper ponzi to provide more healthcare.... maybe Americans can rub some papers, credit cards or food stamps on themselves and there you go, all better? Wait... people didn't expect to get more and better healthcare from Obama Inc. and insurance companies in reality, did they? Note that it doesn't make that big a difference if the cost/benefit analysis is done by a collection of government lawyers for insurance companies and their lobbyist/lawyers or if it is done directly by... insurance companies based on their policies. The only big difference will be if market feedback and elections are smothered and "the base" of Red/Blue states in a police state can no longer get to the elite corporate or government lawyers providing it with "public service" or goods and services from on high.

A satire of NYC lawyers: "Let that person die sooner but let this other person live longer. Wait, save that bird!!! And move that pile of crap in Delaware while you're at it." Yet you see how the lawyers and banksters running and financing the federal government think that they will have control over people who cannot govern themselves in perpetuity? In reality, they only have it for so long as "the base" continue to give it to them because they think that they can profit off of their epicenters of paper ponzi or food stamps and so on. You might say that the elite lawyers are all metaphysicians into the symbolism of things but "the base" are more physical and brutal types of physicians. Yet what does America have, it's the rural "fundamentalist" who believes in symbolism and religion and it's the lawyers who take a "purely" brutal view. Ironic?

Ironically it doesn't make any sense in terms of profit for lawyers and journalists and so on or the "print media" in general to believe in brutal and physical Darwinian creation myths that reduce and dissolve language despite our experience of language in reality. And yet that is usually exactly the cornerstone of their absurd "metaphysics" and what they have been taught in general, dumb as they are. So what they have been taught as their foundation contains their own destruction as keepers of the word or the "print media" that used to govern the DNA of the body politic too. A satire: "What's a written Constitution? Real journalism? Freedom of religion for people of the Book? What's all that? The decline of civilization? Huh, what's civilization... is that like another brutal fight or somethin'? That's all it is, isn't it? Reality, you mean like something in a test tube or somethin'? Etc. Meanwhile, back in reality it can be observed that you can't just mutate DNA and expect to get an organism containing within itself greater feats of adaptation or the ability to create more and more health and wealth for itself in general. Instead you'll generally just get a poor deformed mutant that happens to be good at survival and reproduction for a time... before it too, goes the way of the Dodo. So, there you go. Apparently these are the trends of the (police) state of our civilization when lawyers and keepers of the word and the "print media" are taught Darwinian creation myths and they're dumb enough to think that they're actually true in reality. It's not without precedent, see Nazi Germany. So maybe anyone with any intelligence left should invest in food stamps, condoms, Correction Corporations and drone companies "based" on current trajectories at this point. Just kidding, you can't really invest in anything these days unless you just get lucky or have insider trading information. In any event, watch out for trendy lemmings that believe their own main stream media if anything significant begins to happen under Obama Inc., as it is beginning to. After all, a lot of people were holding things off and papering things over until after the election, one way or another.

 *(Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis by James Rickards)

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