Friday, November 02, 2012


A summary of all the debates... red tie vs. blue tie, red tie wins big!!! Blue tie vs. red tie, red tie may have won with some help... Mixed blue/red tie vs. blue tie. It's a tie! But the mixed tie wins because he already won!! Random note, these are the primary colors of a polarized police state. So we may as well put them on top of the police cars and make police men wear big stop signs on their heads to make sure that they stop thinking for themselves at this point. We're a long way from the colonial militias with their tricorner hats and people capable of ruling/measuring themselves based on the trivium now. Or do people imagine themselves as intelligent because they own an Ipad or some bit of technology? As it seems that even those interested in politics look to Red/Blue polarizing political theatrics on a political stage that has already been bought and paid for by multinational corporate/financial interests running and the private banking cartel financing the show. So are patriotic Americans to be turned into good red coated or "red state" patriots fighting for their financial empire, one and all? Better hope there aren't any highly intelligent terrists like the early colonials who rebelled against the financial empire of their day in the rest of the world now, if so. Link

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