Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Life choices...

Creator Comments: Choose your future.
Choose your sex.
Choose your hair.
Choose your eyes.
Choose your job, your car, your bank and millions in it.
Choose your future.
Choose Life. Right Now! Before you are even born.

With BrightFuture(TM) Easy Setup.

Choose Life! By udjinudjin

The genetic code is much more complex than something that can be coded for current computing. In nine months, something with more complexity than anything in the known universe will emerge from the joining of one egg and one sperm, a little Yin, a little Yang, then bang.

I forgot the perfume of the eggs in one little parable. Not to mention the fact that I missed a play on words about the male men trying to deliver their message, in another. Forgot the perfume though, that's quite a slip. I'll fix it.

1 comment:

mynym said...

Increasingly, this is the American doctor's attitude toward life.

(Stored fetuses shock movers

The crew finds human fetuses in containers while emptying out a doctor's storage unit.

I suppose it is not worth reading. There is a barbarity goes on daily in the American Republic thanks to the judicial diktat of technocratic proto-Nazis.

(I would be the first to blame the American people for it. Yet, they really have not voted for it and those "choosing" it are for the most part just scared young girls making "choices" while manipulated by pop-culture, fashion, boyfriends, some nitwit masculinists masquerading as feminists thanks to their G.I.D., and on and on...)