Monday, February 04, 2013

Taylor Swift's Dirty Little Secret Will Make You Sick

I wish that Infowar's presentation and theatrics were different as a matter of entertainment or "looking professional."  But the information itself usually seems to be sound, which is what I like to think that I ultimately care about more than technique.  

For the record, I used to think that people concerned about the GMOs and the poisons and so on typical to multinational corporations (and the "patriotic" American $tate that they own) were generally kooks and cranks.  But that was mainly due to their failures in marketing their ideas to me in a professional way and the way that they sometimes wander around looking... pretty kooky.  Still... my bad, it was my fault for not investigating and taking the time to look at the full spectrum of information for myself.

A different source coming to similar conclusions about aspartame:
Aspartame is one-tenth methanol. A can of soda with 180mg of aspartame has about 20mg of methanol in it. According to the CDC website, the EPA recommends "that an adult should not drink water containing more than 1 milligram of formaldehyde per liter of water (1 mg/L) for a lifetime exposure, and a child should not drink water containing more than 10 mg/L for 1 day or 5 mg/L for 10 days." (Notice that this doesn't mean the adult is more susceptible, but instead determines a lifetime limit, which is important because these toxins accumulate.)

If 5 percent of methanol in a can of soda is retained long enough to become formaldehyde (based on the retention rate found in mice in a University of Barcelona study), drinking one can of soda with aspartame exceeds one of these three limits. Remember that this is based on 20mg per can. (A can of soda is 355ml.) There are sodas that approach nearly twice this concentration.

Dr. Woodrow Monte of Arizona State University wrote in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, "When diet sodas and soft drinks, sweetened with aspartame, are used to replace fluid loss during exercise and physical exertion in hot climates, the intake of methanol can exceed 250 mg/day or 32 times the Environmental Protection Agency's recommended limit of consumption for this cumulative poison." (Emphasis added)
But they probably won't get anywhere with Taylor Swift and the Masonic markets it looks like she's being incorporated into.

Still waiting on her to be marketed like Miley Ray Cyrus or another Disney princess, as that seems to be the trend these days: Taylor Swift’s Performance at the 2012 AMA’s: A Typical Initiation Ritual 

Given her other initiation with Beyonce Inc. (white dress to red, etc.), she may even be marketed as a cross over from "red state" and rural country music to the "blue state" of death in a city of illusions eventually.  These are not independent artists, regardless.

Anyway, if you're going blind or have a neurological disorder then it may be time to cut back on the sea of chemicals (some toxic, some not..)  that we're virtually swimming in at this point.  Even water is lethal if you're drowning in it but there's probably a reason that it's also the ultimate symbol of purification and transformation in the Bible.


Anonymous said...

AAAACK! OK, I am swearing off any diet soda! Have you researched Splenda? Just curious...and too lazy to research it myself!

I guess in the long run it all boils down to money and greed. Seems like the only explanation since it is such a poisonous thing for us to be consuming. I guess the FDA is not exempt from corruption (not that I ever thought it was)!

mynym said...

I wouldn't swear off diet soda entirely. A low level of toxins may be good for you and they're at the basis of a lot of medicine (in the valley of the shadow of death). Maybe one could even look at one diet soda every once in a while as medicinal. Actually, just trying to look at it that way would probably have a placebo effect anyway. (Placebo effects vary... some are actually pretty big.) I doubt that the FDA views itself as conspiratorially corrupt anymore than the majority of the "mainstream." It really isn't: "Now, we will conspire to make a killing on people!" It's just that trends have been lobbied for and successfully linked to their professional identities and cultures and fundraisers and dinner parties, etc. Something along the lines of: "You're not one of those people, are you?" It seems that once that link is forged, any professional class of lemmings that feels like they're elite will do a lot for multinational corporations... for free. It's a repetitive pattern between the "mainstream" and their critics. (Their critics sometimes have their own problems. Ironically, they often work for free too.)

mynym said...

Splenda is very dangerous... because there's a chance that you may fall into a vat of it at the factory and then you might suffocate in it. Ok, just kidding. Given that we're already surrounded by "artificial" chemicals and every technique we use is artificial it's probably one of those things where we have to rely on our natural (or artificial?) responses. For instance, if you're having migraines then check your diet with respect to Splenda:

In general it would probably be best to just go with water and organic... and maybe live in a mud hut to build your immune system too. It depends on what you want out of life, I guess.

I wouldn't get too scared about things.