Monday, July 11, 2005

The equivocations of moral equivalency

The Leftist tendency towards treating ideas and actions equally under the guise of treating people equally often leads to a lack of judgment. The irony is that American progressives sometimes get sanctimonious about this type of lack of judgment based on an odd view of Christianity. They honestly seem to feel that it is Christian to constantly seek a lack of judgment, as if you can have mercy without justice and forgiveness without an understanding of good and evil as its foundation.

Captain Ed notes of a European Leftist:
Drawing a moral equivalence between [Israel] building a security wall and [Palestinians] deliberately blowing up women and children demonstrates a surrender of the sense of moral outrage necessary to identify between good and evil.
The tendency towards moral equivalency is often the same with American progressives. So it is little wonder that they sympathize with Europeans and seem to worry over what Europeans will think. They actually try to draw parellels between the Founders and the Islamists as if the American Revolution is morally equivalent to Islamic revolutions. That is just ignorant. Yet it is a willful sort of ignorance and they have perfected ways of clinging to a lack of judgment, a lack of "discrimination." Sometimes they cling to their lack of judgment or ignorance by claiming that pretty much any act of definition is a "stereotype." That can be a way of stifling knowledge because knowledge is based on an awareness of distinctions and definitions. That is that and this is this.

Yet in my experience seeking ways to lack judgment is something that progressives do time and time again. In fact, if there is a progressive reading this they may very well want to write, "That's a stereotype of all progressives based on the actions of a few!"

Is it?

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