Saturday, June 04, 2005

UFOs and Aliens

Why do the UFO types always have to bring the Bible into things?

Example: The UFO prophet (Video is 4Mb, there are many accounts of this sort of UFO but not that many videos.)

I wrote a paragraph on it that I just deleted. Hmmm, it is actually a bit hard to give a natural explanation without invoking a government conspiracy and the like. He claims to be a prophet of Yahweh and that makes things a bit dicey. But I wonder why he seems to slip sometimes into claiming to be Yahweh or "prophet Yahweh," eh? How about this, you tell me what you think of him! I would write what I think but I don't want to taint any replies with my expert opinions. Just kidding, I've not read much about UFO things. It seems to be a good excercise in deconstruction and trying to find the truth in narratives. There are a limited number of stories there can be about a given phenomenon such as the one in the video and they can wind down based on logic and further empirical evidence.

On a different element of the UFO phenomena, a fictional story:
Once upon a time there were two UFOlogists and a fellow asked them how they became Christians. One of them replied, "Well, it was the whole anal probing thing that the 'space brothers' seemed to be into." The other noted, "Yeah, I was thinking that if they are so into establishing world peace and showing us 'what the Bible is really about' then what's up with the anal probing? Then I read the Bible for myself and found that it was the gods of the Old Testament that seemed to like that sort of thing. And that set me thinking about these 'gods' like Molech...."

The fellow interrupted, "Man, that has got to be the oddest way I've ever heard of someone becoming a Christian!"

A true story:

CE-4 is an alien abduction research group founded by Joe Jordan and Wes Clark. The group has a dozen or so members based in Florida. Each member is also a trained field investigator for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), arguably the most respected clearinghouse for UFO reports in the world. Joe Jordan, CE-4’s president, is also a state section director of MUFON. Because there were so many experiencers in the Florida area, CE- 4 decided to conduct their own research independently of MUFON. They wanted to see if they could establish any significant patterns or factors that may have been overlooked by other researchers. The cases they studied had all the usual hallmarks of the CAS. They wondered, Where to go from here. Perhaps it was time for a completely new approach. One of the researchers posed the question, “Are Christians being abducted?” Clark says about himself at the time:
I had a belief in God, but that was about the extent of my spirituality. Joe was a crystal-rolling New Ager. Neither one of us had ever even considered a spiritual origin of the phenomenon. We had a hunch we were onto something.

Many researchers had previously recognized the spiritual nature of abductions, but no one had attempted to specifically research the spiritual aspects on their own merits. The folks at CE-4 began to look a bit closer at the data and the findings of other researchers.

Rita Elkins, a reporter with the well-known Florida Today newspaper, was interested in this research and she extensively interviewed both Jordan and Clark. The published article drew an immediate response from experiencers in the local area, like this one:

Recently I read the Florida Today account of your research. I’m especially interested in the “religious component” that you seem to be discovering in some UFO abduction cases. Back about 1973 my wife had a strange experience in the middle of the night. At the time we knew nothing about UFO abduc tions, so we had no category in which to place it other than extremely “lucid nightmare.” It has many of the abduction “components.” The point is that she stopped the entities and the whole experience with the name of “Jesus.” . . . It’s vital to get this information out.
Clark said that many of the respondents claimed to be Christians who told of their own abduction experiences. He felt that they were happy to have someone to talk to; they usually felt uncomfortable talking about their experiences because most UFO investigators had New Age inclinations and ideas that opposed their own beliefs. In addition, the Christian church is not equipped to deal with such reports because the UFO phenomenon has been largely misunderstood and dismissed by organized religions. Clark comments:
As the number of cases mounted, the data showed that in every instance where the victim knew to invoke the name of Jesus Christ, the event stopped. Period. The evidence was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore.
The Florida Today article also appeared online, and it then made its way to an Internet news journal called CNI News. From here it turned up in Europe’s most high-profile and respected UFO journal, The Flying Saucer Review. CE-4 received responses from all over the world, with dozens of reports of abductions being halted in the name of Jesus Christ. Another three major researchers told Jordan, off the record, that they had similar cases, but they would not officially report them, fearing damage to their credibility. Jordan gives some insight into why anyone would suppress such findings. He says that most UFOlogists share his former New Age beliefs (he has since become a Christian), and would not trade their religious beliefs for another more traditional view. He adds:
These people go from one thing to another looking for development of a higher consciousness. . . Any place but in traditional religion.
(Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection
By Gary Bates :256-259)

"Any place but in traditional religion."

"It has no articles of faith and it parades its lack of dogma. All of the various types of neopagans are agreed only in one thing-their rejection of Christianity and the established churches...."
(The Nordic Pagan Chant Grows Louder
By Albion Rossberlin
The New York Times, Aug 4, 1935; pg. 3-4)

It's interesting because these ideas typically merge in with evolutionism and the mythological narratives of Naturalism. And despite all the skepticism that evolutionists heap on Christianity, they don't seem to care about it. In fact, they are often the advocates for the "extraterrestrials." The "space brother" stays on message too and supposedly says to the person either making up or telling a story of abduction that the brothers only want to lead humans along to the next step of their "evolution" and so on. They just want to be your space brother pal, is all! In some sense, it does not matter if the supposed abduction is literally true or not as the message of deception is the same regardless of whether the person is insane in the membrane, knows they are lying but tells the story for money and attention or has had a literal and physical "experience" that scarred them for life. Keep your eye on the ball, it's the spirit of the message that matters. What tends to bring all these things together is the message and the conclusion, its final destination and meaning.

I should research parallels between UFO cults and Nazism sometime. I've been meaning to look into the story of Hitler's vision. Maybe it was another of these space brother fellows that seem to be half-dream and almost not even physical. It seems to me Hitler's conclusion after his vision seems a little like the revelation from the angel of "The Prophet" of Islam with its anti-Jewish message. Maybe when you're like an anti-message, you can say pretty much anything as long as the conclusions that you want are come to.

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