Sunday, June 11, 2006


I added some links to a local network of conservative bloggers to the sidebar.

Some of them are trying to explain why they disagree with another local now on the Left, Michael Berg. He's running as a Green, which seems to say a lot about the psychological nature of Greens these days. Instead of telling him to go into the counseling that he needs the Greens seem to want to let him try to work out his issues in their political party, along with the rest.

To the politics of it, with avowed enemies like this you can see why Bush doesn't need many friends. Those that tend to the Right seem to be trying to be nice to Berg and so avoid dealing with his Leftist insanity and psychosis. I.e., a derangement characterized by a loss of touch with basic reality. That is to say that he'd probably still be murmuring about the supposed powers of verbal "negotiation" as his own head got cut off, if it came to that. The Leftist mind fails to realize that language only applies among those who are already civilized or on the path to civilization.

On the other side of insanity, if a person who tends to the Right goes insane then they will most likely be proclaiming themselves to be the Messiah and the like as a matter that is not negotiable.

In either case it is dehumanizing to claim that someone can be reduced to being insane in the membrane, yet sometimes people are just that.

DCBA bloggers trying to get at good and evil on the issue:

Anna Venger, on the difference between a psychotic Rightist claiming to be the martyred messiah and a conservative trying to achieve balance:
Furthermore, to put President Bush in the same category as Zarqawi, calling him a terrorist, slanders the President. Not only that, but he says Bush is even more of a terrorist than al-Zarqawi. Our military is there in Iraq trying to stabilize the country so we can turn over a free nation to the Iraqi people. Zarqawi, on the other hand,* is trying to stop that process and has been involved in the deaths of not only U.S. soldiers, but innocent Iraqis as well, attempting to prevent them from obtaining the freedom they desire and deserve.
Berg on Zarqawis Death

*For compared to Zarqawi Bush is on the other hand.

Politakid, hinting at insanity or the psychological aspect of it. I.e. when people cannot handle things. It seems that if you go all one way toward the left-hand way then reality begins to slip from one's grasp as things get out of hand. That can happen to Rightists too. Politakid's theory on some Leftists:
I think Berg, like Cindy Sheehan, is overcome with grief and just went off the deep end because he doesn't know how else to handle it.
Michael Berg, Saddened by Death of Son's Murderer

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