Sunday, April 30, 2006

The Dover decision...

Here is a good post on it.

I never actually read the thing because it is just another decision that some judge based on precedents that make both the Constitution and the Declaration "unconstitutional." You can't be any more obviously wrong and unlawful, so what does it matter anymore? Now they will do, what they will do. Your rights are as safe as their next act of their own will, as well as your property and even your life.

I probably should read the decision though. Good material.

The interesting thing is that even conservatives are so weak-minded that once they get into positions of power they often honor and conserve false precedents or in other branches also become corrupted by maintaining and establishing their power. Is it really so hard to just do the right thing based on principle even if you get booted from office for it? Note that the Founders almost got killed over what they did, is it really so hard to lose power? Is it really so hard to uphold a document in a principled way even if it undermines and limits the power of the very branch of government that you serve in?

Jefferson argued of the Judiciary that it cannot be expected to limit itself based on a mere document as the very document would become a thing of wax in its hands. He was right. But I don't really blame other Founders who put themselves at risk, some sacrificing everything, just to put their names to a document of principles for failing to see that the Judiciary would be the branch to reject textual limitation. It's hard for principled people to understand moral/textual degenerates.

In the end, any system of government must rely on people being willing to limit their will by law, as stated in text governing laws and documents. Once some of the very people with the duty of being limited by the text of documents and law become "pro-choice" enough to treat their own will as the law and begin setting precedents based on their own will then civilization is on the decline and on the way to its end.

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