Friday, January 18, 2013

Zerohedge zealots... they never have anything nice to say.

Now many folks think, and will tell you quite loudly and sometimes with hysterics, that this bubble will go on forever. They will rant and rave that the world is improving and they talk of green shoots, growth in the spring and they point to what they hated just moment ago, the markets, regaling in the fact that yields are declining. They do not mention the world awash with small new bits of green and blue paper of course or the printing machines in Washington or Frankfurt but they point to the yields and tell us that things are better; much better. They somehow, an oversight I am sure, forget to tell us that the actual economies, upon which all this is based, are in decline in Greece, Portugal, Spain, Ireland, France, Italy and the United States. Yes, for all of you that mistakenly think that I ignore the plights of my own country I hate to disappoint you but no blind eye is turned here. I can see Emperors clothed and unclothed and while I may miss a beat I do not miss the tune.  (Mark Grant Explains The Art And Science Of Blowing Magic Bubbles)

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