Friday, January 18, 2013

Conspiracy theories... with no full faith and credibility whatsoever...

The Syndicate made it clear that Aaron was in its crosshairs. Thus, Syndicate members, especially “the Motion Picture Association of America and United States Chamber of Commerce, have stated their opposition to Demand Progress on numerous occasions, mainly in respect to [its] stance on internet censorship.” In 2009, the FBI put Aaron under “investigation” (a euphemism for harassment of activists) for publicly releasing 20% of United States Federal Court documents. The “case” was closed two months later, without filing any charges but, in the process, making Aaron pay dearly for his idealism. The entire exercise had nothing to do with breaking laws, or justice, but a warning: “Stop harassing us,” the Federal Bureau of Intimidation was telling him, “or else!” And yet, just like a tree standing by the waters, Aaron was not moved. Despite the extreme pressure he was under, Aaron Swartz (like Bradley Manning and many other unsung heroes) remained defiant and, in late October 2009, posted his FBI file on the internet. With this single act of defiance, Aaron probably signed his own lynch warrant.  VeteransToday
(Emphasis added... I would apologize to Manning if I could.)

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