Thursday, September 15, 2005


As they are a way to judgment people tend to avoid definition. For example, this racist wants to deny definition as such:
"I'm not racist or anything," he said. "It's just, some people I hate, some people I don't get along with. And black people just happen to be the ones because they think they're better than everyone else."

The student said his parents were shocked at his decision, Mom dismayed and Dad disappointed.

"I just can't believe you'd wear a shirt like that [Of the KKK dragging black men behind their pickups.] to school," he said was their reaction. "My mom was kind of upset about it. My dad was like, whatever, it's your life."

The 18-year-old said he has friends who are black, and he said he does not think they would be mad at him because they know he would not do what was depicted on the shirt.
"I'm a redneck," he said. "But no, I'm not racist."
(Fleming senior wears racist T-shirt to school, Jacksonville News)

All we really have when it comes to ethics is the definition of our own words. If you seek after the meaning/spirit of them long enough, perhaps you will come to Spirit. That skinny southerner is avoiding doing so. As long as he is not defined as "racist" then he is happy, yet he is a racist.

(One with a distant father and close mother...etc. in a pattern where immanence and transcendence are perverted, which can lead to the blurring of the metaphysical and the physical typical to racism, same ol', same ol'...evil can be banal.)

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