But in the meantime, it sure seems like it doesn't matter that much. E.g.... what is the most significant difference between Wade and Coons? Will one send mountains of money to Israel instead of Delaware slightly slower than the other as "Delaware's representative," or what? Wade is going to say, "Wait, limited government and spending..." and actually redirect all foreign aide to Israel to build up and "nation build" in Delaware? Seems unlikely. (Not that Delawareans would do anything with it other than build bigger roads to more malls or bigger stadiums to merge their bread and circuses with education. But still, that still might be better than spending yet more on War Inc. and Zionism. Heck, I'd give it to scientists and have them run some more shrimp on treadmills even if they have often demonstrated that they're dangerous to clueless peasants and servile to oligarchies in their own way.
Eugenics (directed at peasants, surprise), Climate Change (directed at peasants), Weather Weapons (serving the oligarchy)... still waiting on scientists to conclude: "The people financing and funding us? They have to go. It's time for their share of the shared sacrifice! If not, then disaster!!!!" They don't do that. But they could. What is the role that the petrodollar and War Inc. plays in destroying the environment? People are trended away from asking that question and toward the idea of driving a different car. (Did you know that the ADL is policing and spying on environmental groups? Lol. Oh well..)
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