Saturday, March 25, 2006

A rather amazing interview...

An Arabic woman who is a secular humanist challenges Islam, she packs a lot of knowledge in some comparative and plain evidential arguments. (Some of which I also make. She is not entirely consistent when she shifts from arguing that the issue is not a clash of civilizations but then it turns out to sound exactly that way. But it seems to me that total consistency is asking a lot. Her reference to "dhimitude" in the middle is the Islamic teaching of the civil subjugation of other religions under Islamic law.)

I wonder if she is still alive, often strongest dissenters are not allowed to live under the "religion of peace."

It is interesting to think about how the average UofD student is conditioned to react to criticism of Islam. Their conditioning is based on a rather banal and ignorant template that Leftists tend to use. For instance, contrast the politically correct emotional conditioning typical to the American Left (e.g., the posts below this one, thanks to my local Leftist) with positions taken based on history, plain empirical facts, knowledge and principles. It takes more time to know about what you're talking about than to simply run with the Herd, so many just go with conditioning and buzzwords.

The Leftist mind so often seems to be intellectually degenerate these days, blindly feeling its way along based on its own emotions as represented in buzzwords. I wonder, is that woman "Islamophobic"? It seems to me that any fear she might have of Islamic clerics is quite rational. Yet by her actions she is obviously not very fearful.

When it comes to propagandists you're not even supposed to think about what their own words actually mean, though. (A phobia is an irrational fear given that not all fear is irrational, nor should all feelings of fear be defined as neurotic or psychotic.) It is supposed to be enough that they have painted a negative verbal image of some type which conditions the "correct" emotional response. That is how the politically correct is sometimes set against what is empirically, logically and morally correct.

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