Thursday, December 04, 2014

Going to try to look this stuff up later. Not that it matters much due to the nature of peasants and so on.... human nature.

new Chupacabra-322
Chupacabra-322's picture
Vote up!
They're all involved in an elaborate scheme based on contrat law & Criminal deceit to Fraud The American People by CONSENT (Black Law's Dictionary) & being an accessory to the deceit & Criminal Fraud by contracting with the Criminal State.
We are "Governed" into a Political, Educational, Religious & Economic UNITED STATES, CORP based on contract law which is based on Criminal Fraud, deceit & illusion.
The Private Corp UNITED STATES, CORP uses the cover of being a functional Government when in reality they are not. Much like the Criminal Federal Reserve uses The "Federal" in their name & use it as cover to give the illusion that they are a branch of the US Government when they are not.
Through bankruptcies, Criminal Contract Fraud & deceit the Charlatans have incrementally incorporated the US as well as your souls (birth cert) which are securitized via the Criminal Federal Reserve through to the IMF.
They're functioning off corporate version of the THE CONSTITUTION. It's the reason why The Global Criminal Oligarch Cabal Bankster Intelligence Crime Syndicate continues to lie, cheat, deceit, rape & pillage with impunity.
The only power the have over you is with CONSENT (Black Law's Dictionary). Pay no Taxes. Peaceful Non-Participation, Non-Compliance & being an accessory into their Criminal system/s based on Criminal Fraud, Debt Bondage & Enslavement.
Look. It's there parchment! There's 2 Constitutions, one from 1776, one from the Act of 1871. One says for the united states. The other says OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.
They removed the organic language from the 13th Amendment of 1776 which Gaurenteed our individual rights and replaced the whole amendment in the forgery look alike.
Please tell me your aware of this? Search Trading with the Enemy Act also. That proves we lost the Constitution a long time ago, we practice commerce, that's it.

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