I would argue that some of the most important knowledge that you can know of a man is his family life:
For example, as a means of encouraging the wives and children to "submit to the father's authority in the home," Phelps began encouraging his congregants to beat them if necessary; he was once forced to bail one of his parishioners out of jail after counseling the man to punch his wife in the face until she became "subjugated."(Wikpedia*)
One of his sons claims that his first memory in life was that of the drunk, stoned Phelps shooting a dog for defecating on the lawn, the incident which led to the majority of Phelps' supporters leaving him and returning to Eastside.
Phelps continued to take drugs, consume alcohol, and binge eat for six years...
He's like Hitler in falling into such patterns, then come attempts at "purification." That pattern would not be surprising given that he seems to have the elements of an anti-Christ type figure. E.g.:
Two of his sons, Mark and Nate, claim that the church is actually a carefully planned cult that allows Phelps to see himself as a demigod, wielding absolute control over the lives of his family and congregants, essentially turning them into slaves that he can use for the sole purpose of gratifying his every whim and acting as the structure for his delusion that he is the only righteous man on Earth. In 1995, Mark Phelps wrote a letter to the people of Topeka to this effect; it was run in the Topeka Capital-Journal. The children's claim is partially backed up by B.H. McAllister, the Baptist minister who ordained Phelps. McAllister said in a 1993 interview that Phelps developed a delusion wherein he was one of the only people on Earth worthy of God's grace and that everyone else in the world was going to Hell, and that salvation or damnation could be directly obtained by either aligning with or opposing Phelps. Phelps maintains this belief to this day.(Ib.) (Emphasis added)
It is hard to believe that any could be confused in their moral reasoning by men such as these:
Hitler very seriously compar[ed] himself to Jesus. He said on one occasion, as he lashed about him with a whip, "In driving out the Jews I remind myself of Jesus in the temple"; and on another, "Like Christ, I have a duty to my own people..." He considered himself betrayed by Ernst Röhm in 1934 and drew the analogy to the betrayal of Jesus, saying, "Among the twelve apostles, there was also a Judas. . . ."(Adolf Hitler's Guilt Feelings: A Problem
Hitler substituted Nazi high holy days for traditional religious holidays. They included January 30, the day Hitler came to power in the year he referred to as “the Holy Year of our Lord, 1933,”...
The close parallel between Christian commitment to God and the sacred oath of allegiance to Hitler is best seen in a description of public oath-taking recorded in the Nazi newspaper, Westdeutscher Beobachter: “Yesterday witnessed the profession of the Religion of the Blood in all its imposing reality.. . . Whoever has sworn his oath of allegiance to Hitler has pledged himself unto death to this sublime idea.”
... [Hitler] directly approved the patent paganism and Führer worship of the Warthegau church as a model for the church he planned after the war. And he did not object to the following version of the Lord’s Prayer which was recited by the League of German Girls:Adolf Hitler, you are our great leader Thy name makes the enemy tremble.It is to be noted that prayers were given not only for the Führer, but to him as a deity.
Thy Third Reich comes, thy will alone is law upon earth. Let us hear daily thy voice and order us by thy leadership, for we will obey to the end, even with our lives.
We praise thee! Heil Hitler!
In speeches and soliloquies, and in ways he may not have been aware, Hitler himself spoke in the very words of Christ and the scriptures—thereby revealing a considerable knowledge of the Bible. A few examples will suffice here: In dedicating the House of German Art in Munich he observed, “Man does not live by bread alone.” In talking to the Brown Shirts on January 30, 1936, he echoed the words of Jesus to his disciples as recorded in St. John’s Gospel, saying, “I have come to know thee. Who thou art, thou art through me, and all I am, I am through thee.” He reminded one of his disciples that “I have not come to Germany to bring peace but a sword.” In a public speech in Graz in 1938 he announced, “God Almighty has created the Nation. And what the Lord has joined together let not Man set asunder.”
He was particularly prone to Biblical quotations when talking to the Hitler Youth. On September 5, 1934, he told them,“You are flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood.” In 1932 he advised them either to be “hot or cold, but the lukewarm should be damned and spewed from your mouth.” The phrasing is too close to the New Testament to be coincidental. The Revelation of St. John reads: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”
During one of the last suppers with his followers, Hitler invited them to eat of their Leader’s body, asking them if they would like some blood sausage made from his own blood. In effect he was saying, “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you.. . .“
in History and Psychology
by R. G. L. Waite
Journal of Interdisciplinary History,
Vol. 1, No. 2. (Winter, 1971), pp. 229-249)
I don't really believe that people are confused by anti-Christ type figures, instead they are looking out for their own interests.
*I don't usually use Wikpedia but they seem to have their sources in order.
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