Sunday, January 09, 2005

And a few posts....

...over at Right2Leftists.

I'm going to use that blog for an archive and an answer to any blog from the left I come across.

(Perhaps there is an old blog from the left that should be answered, I have not been keeping up with it.)

1 comment:

mynym said...

"How would you feeel about the world if there were no leftists? Would you like it or would you get bored?"

I feel....I feel like a drink. There, better now...

How would I feeeel? I suppose, I'd feel fine. I feeeel fine now, as fine as wine! So why whine?

The world I would prefer would be a paradise, a windsurfing utopia. But the simple fact is, that world is not the here and now. The here and now is tsunamis, extinction, etc....

Leftists say they will "...bring heaven on earth." It is a clear case of a myopic sort of idolatry. Not to mention the fact that they lack the capacity to back up their claim. Of course you cannot make earth a paradise or utopia, only the Maker of both human nature and Nature can do that. The earth is dying, while waiting for an extinction event, etc. There are only some remnants of a paradise lost.

As nice as the remnants of paradise are to live in an enjoy, they are just remnants. Can there be perfection without battle? Or would it be boring? Of course there can be perfection, yet one may as well enjoy the battle fought for it too. What is a story without redemption, perfection?